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1leNeu) trn of Merchandisinq has reached the Lumber Business .
AtnEeoy more than 1200 proeressive lumber dealers from coast to coast havi welcomed this New Era. Will you join them in 1930?
The oast ouarter-centurv has seen sreater charrges^ in merchandising'methods thin the hundred years which went before.
Contrast the open cracker barrel grocery store of 1900 with the grocery of 1930 ind its shelves loaded with clean, attractive, packaged goods-and you realize how living habits and buying habits have changed. Merchandise itseli his changed. Sellin! methods. Display. Advertising.
Industrv after industrv has felt the new spirit. Business after business has changed its viewpoint and revised its ways.
Now the new era of merchandising has reached the retail lumber business.
EeCrf of the dots on the map above represents a retail lumber merchant operating under the 4-SQUARE Franchise-selling the 4-SQUARE Line-putting the 4-SQUARE Plan to work.
Two years ago_'an untried idea. Today an operating reality-a force that is making itself felt in well over a thousand lumber yards. That, in brief, is the history of 4-SQUARE.
Month bv month has seen new dealers added to the list-slowly at first, more and more rapid- ly as the conviction grew that 4-SQUARE offered the retail lumber dealer plus aaluessuch as he never had before-to aid him in making the operation of his yard more profitable.
Co-operating with Weyerhaeuser these dealers face the future with assurance of success. For them the new era in merchandising has arrived.
On theJollowingpages are illustrations of the items which make up the 4-SQUARE Line. Study them. Get in your mind's eje a pictuie oJ 4-SQUARE as it exists today.
Thc 4-S(-)LJ/\ll.l, Sign identihcs thc clcelcr r''ho sclls this nationallt' atlr.ertiscrl guaran- tced lurnirer. lt is a sign o1' confidcncc u-hich thc public recognizcs ancl respccts

There are thirteen items now in the 4-SQUARE Line. And every item car- ries with it thcse eleven plus va/uar which mahe lumbermore saleable:

The new a-SQUARE label shows the length of stock in the package and describes it. It aids inventory and stock con- trol- eliminates danger of delivering wrong lengths. The Tree Symbol ties up with the National Lumber Manufacturers big advertising campaign.