3 minute read

The New Era of Merchandising

You have seen the a-SQUARE Line.

7. Full Lengths Consider now the plus zsalues it brings to the selling of lumber:

Every piece of 4-SQUARE Lumber is cut to cxact standard length. This means that every lGfoot piece is 16 full l2-inch feet of qualitllumber' This is the first apPearance of precision manufacture as to lengths within the lumber industry.

2. Square Ends

Every 4SQUARE board is trimmed exactly square at both ends with machine accuracy. Ordinary lumber is not square at the ends and must be trimmed by hand, an expensive, wasteful job.

3. Properly Seasoned +SQUARE Lumber is seasoned stock. It is ready and fit for good construction.

4. Better CruJt stnanshitr, 4-SQUARE Lumber gives the carpenter a chance to do a-better, more finished job in less time. The hand trimming of ordinary lumber puts a penalty on the carpentei and often forces him to "cut the corners" to get the job done gn time.

5. Better Construction &SQUARE brings closer the day of ideal construction. Its exact standards reduce the chances for haphazard building. When ordinary lumber is used, thi quality of construction depends almost entirely on the skill of the carpenter.

6. Protected Ends and Faces

The 4SQUARE packafe minimizes damage to the lumber from the saw mill to the minute each piece is used. Depreciation and breakage due to careless handling are reduced. Ordinary, unprotected lumber is frequently damaged on ends and faces during the many handlings 6efore final delivery.

7. Better APPearance

Clean, bright, protected and finished, 4-SQUARE looks like the quality lumber it actually is. From

OF these plus values there can be no doubt. They are proving themselves day after day, month after month in more than a thousand lumber yards, large and small, from coast to coast.

They are Weyerhaeuser's ans\ter to the requirements of the times-the sure means of putting the retail lumber busi- saw mill to construction, 4-SQUARE's fine appearance commands careful handling, reducing waste. Carpenters prefer to work with good looking stock.

8. Marhed lor SPecies

4-SQUARE is plainly marked with the species of lumEer contained in iach package. The buyer sees at a glance that he is getting the kind of lumber he orderid and is paying Tor. Architect and contractor know i nstantly ^that s--peci fi cations are fi I led correctly.

9, Markedtor Grade

A further Drotection and guarantee of satisfaction to the lum6er buyer is the full grade name appearing on everv Dackase of 4-SQUARE. Because of this grade mar'k theie can be rio mistake about quality.

70. Trade-Marked. and NationallY Advertised

The trade-mark on every package of 4-SQUARE Lumber is known from coast to coast as the mark of preferred lumber. Marked with this identification, +-SQU,qRE mast fulfill every claim made for it bv manufacturer and dealer'

77. Guaranteed. by WeYerhaeuser

Weyerhaeuser guarantees and makes it po-ssible for the-dealer to guarantee every piece of 4-SQUARE Lumber to be -xactly as indicated on the 4-SQUARE Label.

And consider the additional Plus Valuer the 4-SQUARE Line brings to the lumber yard itself: ness in step wilh progress-of eliminating the factors which have held it back.

Packaging Cuts Handling Costr from freight yard to the job. Cuts depreciation due to picking over the stock. Complete Identification on the label simplifies inventory and stock control.

Cokdut Packages- make. possible an .attractive display withrn the yard, catchlng the eye ot every customerin the yard, on the trucks and on the job.

National zldaertising makes the 4-SQUARE Dealer known as the source of-quality material. It gives him the long awaited,opp,ortunjty to apply modern merchandisins to the sale of lumber.

The new era of merchandising has reached the retail lumber business. Will you be one of the merchants to take advantage of the opportunity it brings? Will you be one of those to benefit by the 4-SQUARE Plan as it exists today

-and by the still greater deaelopments now in 1>rogress?

A limited number of 4-SQUARE Franchises are available this year for lumber dealers who see the importance of the chanqe qoins on today in retail lumber lf you are one of them write the nearest Weyerhaeuser District Ofrce for full details of 4-SQUARE.

Pickering Lumber Co. Announces New Appointments

L. V. Graham

Pickering Lumber Company announces that hereafter all Pickering Products will be sold through Pickering Lumber Sales Company, a recently incorporated, wholly owned subsidiary of Pickering Lumber Company. Corporate officers of the two companies are identical.

General offices of Pickering Lumber Sales Companv will be with the parent company at Kansas City, Missouri.

L. V. Graham, recently appointed General Sales Manager, will be in charge of all sjrles. O. N. Pier and J. A. Lowe, Sales Managers for Pickerrng Lumber Company, with headquarters at Kansas City and New York City respectively, will continue in the same positions for the new company.

C. C. Stibich has been appointed Manager of the District Office at San Francisco, and D. H. Steinmetz, Jr., continues as Manager of the District Office at Los Angeles, Calitornra.

Mr. Graham, newly appointed Sales Manager, is widely and favorably known in lumber cir'cles, having been identified with S. H. Fullerton of St. Louis, and Chicago Lumber Company, for thirty-five years. He returns to Kansas City, his former home, from Oakland, California, rvhere for some J,/ears past he has been the directing head of Chicago Lumber Company of Washington.

Guy Crow Visits San Francisco

Guy E. Crow, general manag'er of the Pacific-Atlantic Lumber Corporation, Tacoma, was a recent visitor to San Francisco.

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