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N. L. M. A. Directors to Meet at Portland
Washington, July l4.-According to the tentative program announced by officers of the Association, for the midsummer meetings of the directors and trade extension committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, which is to be held at Portland, Oregon, August 7-8, the first day will be devoted largely to a joint meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, the National directors and lum,ber manufacturers generally who may desire to attend. The West Coast lumber manufacturers will tender a dinner to the Directors and other visitors that evening. A visit also is contemplated to the unique Research Laboratorv in Portland of the Western Pine Manufacturers Associaiion
Friday, August 8 will be occupied with meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Trade Extension Committee.
The meeting of the 7th will consider practical plans for encouraging and securing more orderly production and distribution of lumber. Reports on the progress of the trade extension work and a Dresentation of the code of trade practices will be presented. Colonel W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, will discuss that Association's stabilization program. There will doubtless be consideration of the program of the Timber Conservation Board, the personnel of which President Hoover is expected to announce "in the near future"; also of means of extending the scope of support by lumber manufacturers of the cooperative work of the industry toward better stabilization and in research and trade extenslon.
lPalo Alto Yard Under New I r,r
Harry Trimble, formerly manager of the Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto, has purchased the balance of the stock and a portion of the equipment of the Dudfield plant, and is now operating the yard under the name of the Trimble Lumber Co.
Charlie Owens With Pacific
Charlie Owens, for years one of the leading retail lumbermen of Los Angeles, is now identified with the sales department of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, of Los Angeles, as local contact man.
Do You KnowThat
We can furnish Redwood Piling, California State Highway Speci6cation? AIso
We rell it to lumber yardr at prices which enable them to rneet competition.
Our stocks of Philippine mahogany are unrurpaEsed. With our big veneer mill and drykilns we are equipped to furnish Philippine mahogany in any quantity to fit the moet rigid specifications.