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Tri-Annual Millwork Conference to be Held at Pasadena
LV. L. Leishman Chairman of Convention Committee
The Tri-Annual Conference of the Millwork Institute of California will be held at the Hotel Huntington, Pasadena' Calif., on August 7,8 and 9. The Hotel Huntington is located on a beautif.ul 27 acre park in the Qak Knoll section of Pasadena, offers unusual opportunities for the en-. joyment of the convention.
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Thursday afternoon, August 7. Luncheon for the directors will be served at I2:OO o'clock noon so that the business session may begin at I :30 p.m.
The general session of the convention u'ill open at 9 a.ur.
Friday, August 8, in the convention hall of the hotel. There are a number of committee reports and the subjects of v.tal importance to the industry to be presented to the meeting, such as Millwork Schedules, State Legislation, Trade Extension, Freight Rates, etc.
W. L. Leishman, Crown City Mfg. Co., Pasadena, Chairman of the Convention Com,mittee, is in charge of the arrangements for the convention. L. G. Sterett, manager of Institute's Service Bureau, is arranging for the convention program. John C. Austin, Los Angeles architect and president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, will be among the speakers to address the convention. Credits and finance will also be among the subjects discussed, and it is also expected that a representative of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association will address the meeting.
There will be an informal banquet on Friday evening, August 8, at 7:00 p.m. at the Hotel Huntington. A special feature entertainment program will be provided.
Many forms of recreation will be available for delegates attending the ionvention. The hotel furnishes many facilities, and auto tours will be provided by local members to take delegates and their families through Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Pasadena, and other points. Guest cards to Beach and Golf Clubs will be available in addition, side trips via air or otherwise can be conveniently e_njgyed to such interesting places as Catalina Island, Agua Caliente, Tia Juana, etc.
In the convention announcement, President A. W. Berhauer states: "Attendance at conventions we realize costs some time and money, but the value of knowledge and good ideas which emanate from such gatherings has been repeatedly demonstrated. The industry must look ahead not only towards improving conditions within but also towards relating itself more adequately to the needs of the buying public. The live millman never reg'rets attending a convention of the Millwork Instrtute of California-he knows it pays."