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B. C. Lumber Exports to U. S.
Decrease In June
Exports of lumber, logs, shingles, and poles from British Columbia to the United States decreased in June, 193Q as compared with June, L929, according to a report from Consul General Ely E. Palmer, Vancouver, to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce.
Figures presented ,by Mr. Palmer show that the lumber exports in June, 1930, totaled 51,596,000 as compared with 55,658,000 board feet in June, 1929; log exports, 11,759,000 as compared with 18,408,000 board feet; shingle exports. 83,569,000 as compared with 168,923,ON and pole exports, 1,006,115 as compared with I,297,48O linear feet.
Predicts 1930 Record Remodeling Year
Chicago, Ill., July 28.-Louise Bargelt, home builders editor of the Chi,cago Tribune, predicts 1930 will be the greatest rehabilitation year in the historv of the countrv. "We see remodeling mide simpler and more profitable for the home owner every passing season: That is, remodeling when a house has successfully passed two tests. Foi usually-a house must be adjudged structurally sound if it is worthy.gf -being remodeled, and also not iequire more than one-third of its interior to be torn out. Th6re are exceptions to this general rule, as to most rules, but, on the whole, it is a fairly safe one to go bf. Indeed, in most remodeling campaigns, as little aJ poslible is torn out of the old place but much is addbd to it-instead !"
Syntron Iiotorless Elestnig Hamiiers
"Orly the Piston movestt
Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity.
Veights to to 20lbs.
Priced at t100 and up.
Electrlc lDrllls, All Srzer
PortoDle Gr{ndere and Bcnch TSper
Goncrete Surtaccrr gtrandFledbteSbsttt and Equtpnent
Electrlclland Sawr
Sandcm . Pollrherc . Buflerc
If a job can be done with .n clectric toot-rc havc it
Roof That Had to Be GOOD!
Vhcn thc Lor Angcl:r Chcnbcr of Commercc Bullding wrr conrtucted, it enbodied thc lrtcrt cnd ftnert dwclopmenb in conrlruction nc{rodr and mrtcrhlr, That'r why Vorvcr* Henry Factory-Guarantccd Rooflng war rclcclcd.
Today the ramc rool ir giving boublc-hee rervlcc, at are hun&G& of other Veavor-Hcnry rooft along thc Prcilic Coa* Thcrc rooft arc menufccturcd rpccially to mccl thc crrcting conditionr whlch crirt in thlr tenitory. fhcy witfirbnd' evcry H of trnc rnd woatficr.
Vcrvo- Hcnry Fagtory - Gurrnbcd Roo6 arc applicd wi$ drc rupcrvirlon of our ttlncd inrpcclon.