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I Sun Lumber Co. Encourages Owners to Modernize
Beginning with the weekly issue of July 17, and continuing for a period of not less than twelve weeks, the Sun Lumber company of Beverly Hills will tun a series of halfpage blind advertisements in the Beverly Hills Citizen encouraging owners to remodel or modernize their places of residence, stores, etc,
In a letter to all the Beverly Hills architects and builders, the Sun Lumber Company states: "Advertising campaigns of this nature carried on in many other cities have developed vast volumes of profitable business, especially for Architects and Builders, and if this experiment is at all successful here, a way will be found by us to interest others or to continue the campaign at our own expense.
"You are invited to make suggestions for advertising copy or express to us any ideas you might have on the plan, and, of course, we solicit an opportunity to serve you in any way possible."
In discussing the ca'mpaign, Frank Burnaby, president of the Sun Lumber Company, says: "We do think that any individual lumber yard in a reasonably large or small community could well afford to spend a few hundred dollars in this manner not only for the purpose of promoting good will among builders in their community, but to make actual sales themselves."
The first advertisement which appeared in the Beverly Hills Citizen on July 17 is reproduced below. The second advertisement which appeared in the issue of July 24 was titled-"Is Your llome for Sale? $500 Invested in Beautifying and Modernizing Should Increase Selling Prrce $2500 to $5000."