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FIR S T CLASS R OAND THE WORLD as low 0s,-*1110

Eome Toun to Home Toron

N the famous President Liners you enjoy all the freedom, all the luxury of a ctuise oo a private yacht.

Stop over where you please within the two-year limit of your ticket. visit Japan, China, the East Indies at your leisure ; glimpse the fascinating, far-off corners of the world, and then-continue vour travels oo another President Liner as you would on another train.

And this acme of travel exDerience-with comfort, accommbdations, service second to none- is yours for as little as $lllO !,

You have a large outside room with real beds. Delicious meals, interesting associations. De luxe Liners, luxurious public apartments, outdoor swimming pool, spacious decks.


From LosAngeles and San Francisco: '$Teekly sailings-via the

Sunshine Belt-for Honolulu, Ja. paa, China, Manila-thence on -tormightly schedules to Malaya, Ceylon-with easy access to India-Egypt and Round theVorld.

From New York and Boston: Fortnightly sailings for Califomia via Havana and Panama, thence Round the \fodd.

($ttto fare iocludes room and meals, also rail fare from any direct line point in the U. S. to Los Angeles orSanFrancisco and back to starting point fromNewYork).

Ask for further information from any steamship or tourist agent.

Booth-Kelly Association grade and trademarked Douglas Fir insures you exactly ttre grades and values you pay for. You in turn can guarantee the grades and values you give your customers. General

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