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California National Forests Set New Revenue Record
The eighteen national forests of the California Region, U. S. Forest Service, established a new highwater mark in receipts when they returned to the Federal Treasury froll the use and sale of natural resources, a total of. $1,647,3ffi in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, according to report by Regional Forester S. B. Show. This total is an increase of. $228,22I over the receipts for the previous fiscal year, and rnarks a 123 per cent glin in business for the California Region in the past decade.
The sale of mature and over ripe timber frorn the Federal forests yielded $1,195,64 of the totall. grazing fees for cattle and sheep using national forest ranges $212,93O; special and recreational uses, largely rented summer home and resort sites, $136,496; water power development, fi79,112"
As national forest lands and resources in California are non-taxable, the Federal Government, under existing laws, will return 25 per cent of the receipts, or approximately $410,000 to the State for distribution to counties in which the forests are located, for road and school development work. The Forest Service will also spend an additional 10 per cent of the receipts, or $165,000 on roads and trails in these same counties, making a grand total return to California from the national forests of $575,000. This cash return to and expenditure in the State is in addition to some 2l million dollars spent by the Forest Service on state, interestate and county highway systems within and adjacent to the forests, and for the protection and management of the national forests.
Lumberman Injured In Plane Crash
E. J. McDonald, sales manager of the Feather River Lumber Co., Delleker, was badly injured about the face when a plane in which he was riding crashed a mile south of Delleker. The plane was being demonstrated to Mr. M,cDonald by J. McMullen, a San Francisco pilot.
E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., manufacturers of famous West Oregon Super Finish, has just returned from one of his periodical visits to California. He conferred in San Francisco with Wendling-Nathan Co., Northern California representatives of his company, and in Los Angeles with E. U. Wheelock, and Gus Hoover, Southern California representatives. He also made a week-end trip with Roy E. Hills, of the Wendling-Nathan Co., to 'Wawona in the Yosemite Valley, where Mr. Hills' family has been spending some time.