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lVendling-Nathan Co.
Wholesalers of Douglas Fir Redwood
California Pine
California Sugar Pine
If you have never had r/a-inch Uniform Thicknerg-3 Pty, Sanded 2 Sides
SIZES: Widths, 32 and 48 lncher-Lengths, S, 6, 7 and 8 feet
WRITE$"f a#i":irt""",.ili'lir1"."'"o"llr,.*:";T""1'.::;
Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.
Main Office: A. L. Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los Angeles
I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.
Investigating European Lumber Market
A survey of the European markets for American lumber is being made by Axel H. Oxholm, director of the National Committee on Wood Utilization, for the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce. The results of the survey will be presented in a report upon his return and it is hoped that it will indicate new outlets for American lumber.
In addition to his directly commercial investigations Mr. Oxholm will be on the outlook for European practices in rvood utilization that may be applicable in America. The trip will also yield a report on the present economic situation of the European forest products industries for the IJnited States Timber Conservation Board, Mr. Oxholm being a member of the board's advisory committee. His itinerary covers the principal nations of western Europe, including Scandinavia and England.
Charleg F. A. Talbot
Charles F. A. Talbot, son of the founder of the pioneer Pope & Talbot Lumber Company, died in San Francisco July 14, at the age of 83.
Mr. Talbot arrived in San Francisco on December 1, 1849. He journeyed from Maine by boat and crossed over the Isthmus of Panama, making the trip from there to San Francisco on the steamer Oregon.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Julia Talbot, a son Earle, and two daughters, Mrs. C. F. Wilson and Mrs. H. D. Cooke.
Petition for Lower Freight Rates
Philippine lumber manufacturers and exporters recently met under the auspices of the Philippine Lumber Export Association and will petition the European shipowners' conference for a general reduction of freight rates on lumber exported to Great Britain, Continental Europe, and South Africa, states a report from Trade Commissioner Harvey V. Rohrer at Manila to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. The petition does not specify the percentage of reduction requested.
New Forest Service Experiment Station
Immediate establishment at Missoula of the "Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Fxperiment Station," undei which will be consolidated all research work for Region One, has been announced by Evan W' Kelley, Regional Forester for the U. S. Forest Service.
The value of investigative work in solution of administrative as well as technical problems of the Forest Service is now widely recognized, aicording to Major Kelley' This fact, together with-increased appropriations which permit expansion of the investigative Program have made it necesiary, he said, to gather all this work together and place it under one head.
The reorganization will make no radical changes in,personnel of those investigative units which have been functioning in the past, it is stated. R. H. Weidman will continue in charge of all forest management studies as heretofore. M. I. Bradner, in addition to handling his investigative work in forest products, will take charge of the newly authorized Region One "Forestry Survey" proj99! to which he was recently assigned by the Forester at Washington, D. C.
Additional work made possible by increased appropriations will include, according to Forest officials, expansion of the much needed investigations in forest fire protection problems and research along lines involving grazing, including methods of utilizating forest ranges and of handling livestock. This latter work will, it is said, be confined, for the present at least, to such projects as can be handled in co-operation with the Bureau of Animal Industry at the U. S. Range Livestock Experiment Station, at Miles City, Montana.
"The Director of the new Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station is Lyle F. Watts," said Regional Forester Kelley. "Mr. Watts," he added, "is now a member of the Forest Service at Ogden, Utah, where he has had years of experience in the administrative and research work of that region. He has also spent some time as head of the Department of Forestry at Utah Agricultural College." The date of Mr. Watts' arrival in Region One has not yet been announced.
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And Satisfaction
Selling ,,FROSTBRAND" io like "Casting your Bread Upon the Vaters." The returning benefits to the Dealer are REPEAT ORDERS and BETTER PROFITS-because you have created a Delighted Ffome Owner and a Pleased Contractor. .,FROSTBRAND" is manufactured bv the PERFECTION OAK FLOORING COMPANY, Inc. Shreveport, La.
Discibutors in the
Angeles District are: