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Announce Ne* Shingle Product
Creating wide interest among roofing dealers, contractors, and roofers, is the recent announ,cement by 'WeaverHenry Corporation of their new shingle product, the Thatch-Lock. The shingle, according to W. B. Koehler, Weaver-Henry executive, was designed particularly for the large market in the low competitive price class.
Mr. Koehler states: "Weaver-Henry moved cautiously in the matter of manufacturing a single 'coverag'e shingle until a thorough study had been given the problem. We now offer our customers a shingle of excellent quality. One which attains the utmost in beauty and utility, and can be laid single coverage where price is an important factor in making the sale or it can be laid double or even triple coverage according to the Thatch effect or exposure desired."
Colors which feature the Thatch-Lock are: Fieldstone Green, Standard Red, Romany Red Blends (in three combinations) and Blue Black.
Don Philips Returns From Vacation
Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent at Garberville and Klamath in Humboldt County.
First introduced 4 years ago
-now largest seller on market
Largest seller, fastest seller, because b c r t Guaranteed X)y'o or more red heartwood with lWy'o oil content. And packed in metal-bound cartons for good measure.
For quotatins and literaturc address Cclifortia distr';b*tols:
E. J. STANTON & SON J. E. HIGGINS LBR. CO. Lor Angclcr San Frencirco
Fred.Hoeptner Wins John Olson Cup
Fred lfoeptner, the winner of the tournament of the In the play-off, he auditor in the lumber department, was John Olson Cup at the monthly golf McCormick Los Angeles organization. beat Herb Butz of the steamship deis awarded to the low net winner and partment. The cup to obtain permanent possession of the cup it must be won three times. 16 took part in the tournament.
Eastern Wholesaler Visits California Mills
Thomas Hussey, of Hussey-Williams Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., recently spent a few days in San Francisco, and visited the mills of the Pickering Lumber Co. at Standard and Tuolomne. Accompanied by Mrs. Hussey he also paid a visit to Yosemite National Park.
Do Tou Know That
We heve on wharf at Oakland, available for immediatc ehipment, in cadoad lots or tnrck delivefy:
S/2 Perfedt S/2 Wa Clearr
6/2 F-rltr:a Star-A-Star
S I Green Fir Lath-Split Redwood Poctc