5 minute read

Lumbermen's Service Association

"Build-Now" Campaign lssues Unique '

Advertising Novelty

Packets of feature matches have been added as a fifth item to round out the "Build Now" campaign ammunition being provided for retail lumb'er dealers by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. This match is a unique advertising novelty less than tlvo months old, and lumber dealers, due to an arrangement entered into by the N.L.M.A-, will be among the first to show th,em.

Obtainable at less than the cost of business cards. these matches will prove especially effective business-getters. They have a brightly covered picture of an attractive lumber-built home printed on their stems which will make users look to see who is distributing them. On one outside cover will appear the local dealers' name, address and telephone number. The other rvill carry the slogan, "Build Now". The inside cover rvill carry reference to 1931 as the "Home Builder's Bargain Y,ear". These matches are specially suited to distribution at county fairs, in local stores, for business drives by groups of dealers and by cooperating builders and contractors.

Because of the special machinery and art rvork necessary to produce this novelty as an effective medium for advertising lumber-built homes, it was necessary to place a large order with the match company. The trade extension department of the National Association placed this order and will serve as a clearing house for individual concerns. A lorv price was quoted and it will be passed on to the retailers. The price will be $4.95 per thousand packets, with 50 cents additional per thousand for printing the dealer's individual name and address where orders amount to 2,500 pa,ckets or more. The imprinting price rvill be 75 cents per thousand where orders are for less than 2,50O packets.

Other items in the "Build New" campaign material available to dealers include envelope "stickers", building page articles for newspaper use, matrices of prepared newspaper advertising, and direct mail literature-all furnished on a part cost plan. Several hundred dealers are now using this material and one retail association secretary recently sent in a group order from members of his association for twenty sets of this material. I-eading magazines in the home and building fields are supporting the build now ideas and other industries are taking it up as an effective measure for business relief.

Dealers who rvish to obtain samples of the "Build Now" campaign literature or who rvish to order quantities of the "Build Now" advertising matches should write to the Dealers Service Department, National Lnmber Manufacturers Association, Transportation Bldg., Washington, D. C.

E. A. Wright Will Open Los Anseles


E. A. Wright is opening an office in Los Angeles where he will repreient the Washington Veneer Co. of Olympia, Wash., and the Peterman Manufacturing Co. of Tacoma' Wash., handling Douglas fir plywood, doors, moulding and finish. Mr. Wright h1s been connected with the lumber industry in the Northwest for many years and was formerly manager of the Pacific Mutual Door Co. and its associate companies, the Aberdeen Plywood Co. of Aberdeen, and the Olympia Veneer Co. of Olympia, with headquarters in Tacoma. He is well known to the Southern California trade, having made many business trips to that territory.

Installs New Paint Machinery

Chas H. Benton, President of the Benton Roof and Paint Company, San Diego, annotlnces the installation of new paint manufacturing machinery amounting to several thousands of dollars. An exceedingly large volume of paint and roof business with indications pointing favorably totvard future business, gives reason for the new equipment, states Mr. Benton.

Mr. Benton is lvidely known as one of the largest and most substantial roof contractors and paint dealers in San Diego territory. For the past ten years he has 'conducted the manufacturing of building paints in conjunction rvith his roofing business. Mr. Benton states that he has been a staunch Weaver-Henry representative for over twe.nty vears and attributes much of his success to this affiliation.

Disa Ting Dey Calla Probish

(W. H. Barg, Hart-Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco, puts his impre-sions of prohibition in rhyme).

- No more poor Tony go catcha da fish, So longa dey have disa ting dey calla probish; I-ota da people lika da country wet, But Tony hope not for a tima Yet; Righta now everything goa fine, Tony geta rich from sella da wine; Soma my cousin maka da beer, An da other ones lerna to be rackateer; No more poor lika da Churcha Mouse, Tony builda da beeg Apartment House; Dose data helpa me are strong and beeg, Da gooda Anti-Saloona League; No more raisa da potate and suchini, Tony go to Italy to liva with Mussolini; Dat sure is one swella dish. Disa ting dey calla probish.

(Thc Clearing Hourc)

This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon

The Fellow Who Wants to Buv

The F'ellow Who Wanti to Sell

The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: t2.50 per colutnn inch The Fellow

Who Wants to Be Hired

Experienced Office Man Wants Position

For Sale

Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, nern

3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., lE00 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.

Stenographic Position Wanted

Young lady with thr,ee years' experience desires stenographic' position. Lumber preferred. Permanent position preferred. Will consider temporary, vacation relief, etc. Will consider positions in or out of Los Angeles. Address Box C-399, care California Lumber Merchant.

Wants Position As Yard Manager Or Salesman

Lumberman open for position with retail or wholesale lumber firm, as manager of yard or selling. Several years' experience with Southern California retail Lumber conterns. References. Address Box C-401. care California Lumber Merchant.


Position with reliable firm by an experienced cre<lit man, accountant ancl lumberman. Address Box C-403, California Lumber N[erchant.


Man experienced in lumber-hardware-paint, etc., wishes connection as salesman, bookkeeper, estimator, credits or lineyard manager. Best of references. Address Box C-405, California Lnmber Merchant.

Fifteen years with Los Angeles lumber firms. Office, counter, private secretary, notary, typing, creditman, collections, general bookkeeping, securifiis, iental and propert_v management. References. Interview appreciated. Address Box C-398, care California Lumber Merchant.


. loung man with several years' retail lumber experience in Southern California wants position. Familiar with office details and selling. References furnished. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-400, care California- Lumber Merchant.


Lumberman familiar with details of wholesale lumber business wants position in wholesale office. Has had several y,ears' experience with wholesale lumber firms. Has had experience in selling and also good stenographer and bookkeeper. Address Box C-4O2, care Califoriia- Lumber Merchant.


_An opportunity to buy lumber yard in .good location. IJusiness averag'es over $6000.0O a month, fiist class stock and planing mill. Stock and accounts receivable will inventory $25,000.00. Will handle Accounts Receivable. Will sell all of business or if I get the right man will retain an interest. Compelled to get out of active business on account of health. For full information address Box.C-4(X, California Luml>er Merchant.


The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiying applica- ti9n9, fro_m both men and women, desiring work with lumbir concer;. - -M*t ofr these have had previous lumber experilnce.

When you lre in n.ed of help o-f any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling uE first and F i.g .r "n opportunityto be of ;.;;; i; -v"" rt well as to those n€eding empl-oymint? Thiie is no ih"tg. with tt i" r"rti"., t" employer or employee.

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