1 minute read
Backlhg uD ltucco
Shoathln0 papsr under bdck
Yeneer or rhltrglo!
Und6r hddwood f,m
Curlng concrote f,@n, drlvo!, walks, otc.
Protcctlng rtairt, flooB, atc,, durlng ffnllhlnC
Protoctlng rugs and furnlturc
205 W. Vacker Drive (Canal Station) durlng ropsin or remodol. iot
55 New Montgomery St. - Chicago, Ill. San Francisco, Calif.
Ml&ollanoou! ranch u!o!, such aE lining !ulphur houroE and chlckcn houlos.
CLM-8-1-Gray r-l
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
That Was AII
The old colored man who takes hats at the door of the dining room of the big city hotel, prided himself that he had never made a mistake, and never failed to give each diner back his right hat. His uncanny ability along this line frequently attracted the attention of visitors.
A certain college professor who was interested in various phases of mental training, memory development, etc.' came to this hotel, and watched with interest this old colored man, apparently without hesitation or indecision, give back the right hat to several hundred men at each dinner
Spends Vacation In Northwest
George Gorman, salesman for the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent in the Northwest.