1 minute read
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To oll Weaver-Henry dealcr and prospective Veaver-Henry dealers we enthuriasticclly introduce the ThatchLock Shinsle. Take a long look at this new product. Quaint, inlormal, reminiscent of Old English, yet modcrn, rturdy, cleverly designed and economical, ar becomes a Weaver-Henry product. ( This flexible asphalt rhinglc :tyle has been produced particulerly for thc low competitive price class. It may be laid single coverage where price is an important laclor in making the scle or laid doublc or triple according to Thatch effect or cxpo\YEAVER-HENRY sure derired. ltmeybe lcid laster than eny other single coverage shingle on the market. t( Get this shingle in your territory right away. Show the Thatch-Lock to your prospects. lt's a "natunl" for western homes. lt lairly sparkles with sales possibilities. Get full information from us. Colorc are Fief dstone Green, Standard Red, Romany Red Blends (3 combinations), and Blue Black. This metnt new profit on summer business.