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Recommend Plans For Stabilization of Lumber Industry

Plans for stabilizing the lumber industry were discussed at a two-day conference recently held at Chicago by leading representatives of the industry. Chas. S. Keith, Kansas City, president of the Central Coal & Coke Co., was elected chairman of the conference, and W. B. Greeley, Seattle, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, served as secretary.

R. A. Long, Kansas City, chairman of the board, LongBell Lumber Sales Corporation, was appointed chairman of a committee of ZO to consider the various plans and suggestions offered during the first day of the conference. The recommendations submitted by the committee follow: l. That there be a serious attempt to adjust lumber production to demand in all regions, taking into consideration the stocks nor\r on hand; that is, the reduction in production should be sufficient to move a substantial portion of the stocks on hand along with the current cut.

2.Ai a permanent program, that there rlrust be some legal and definite control of lumber distribution.

3. That there must also be, as a permanent program, some definite and legal control of lumber production.

These may be accomplished through the medium of-

(A) Physical, integrated consolidations of properties in each region

(B) Physical consolidations of production and distributing facilities only.

(C) Physical consolidations of timber ownership.

(D) Management control through the medium of companies organized by the parties in interest, to control their production and distribute their product; tnd/or

(E) Sales corporations created to sell the total production of the companies contracted with, and to pro rate sales in proportion to each company's normal rated capacity in comparison with the total capacity of all contracting companies.

4. A committee of five should be appointed for each region to work out-

(A) The adjustment of production.

(B) The other principles covered herein, for the permanent control of distribution and production.

5. The representatives of each lumber producing district attending this meeting should immediately call a meeting of the industry in their own district, for the appointment of the committee in that district. The chairmen of the respective district commitees should constitute a national com- mittee for coordinating the work of the district commitlees.

6. It is further recommended that uniformity in opera- tions throughout the various regions be given the host .thoughtful consideration, to the end that lumber production 'in all districts mav be more unifo.rm.

7. The most imperative immediate step is the adjustment of production to current demand. There should then follow the constructive program recommended, looking toward a permanent stabilization of the industry. The program outlined under sections A, B and C (paragraph No. 3) above represents the ideal which should eventuaily be aicomplished. For immediate application we recommend special consideration by the industry of sales corporations-as outlined under section E. Each lumber producing region is urged to work out and apply this program as may appear most advantageous to that region.

To carry out these recommendations, committees are to be organized as soon as possible in the various legipnal districts which will be undertaken by the following representatives:

West Coast-E. G. Griggs, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma,'Wash., and W. B. Greeley, Seattle.

Southern Pine-Charles Green, Eastman, Gardiner & Co., I aurel, Miss.; A. J. Peavy, Peavy-Wilson Lumber Co., Shreveport, La.; F. W. Reimers, Natalbany Lumber Co., Hammond, La., and D. T. Cushing, Great Southern Lumber Co., Bogalusa, La.

California Pines-W. E. Lamm, Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore., and B. W. Lakin, McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif.

Southern Hardwoods-C. Arthur Bruce, E. L. Bruce Co., Memphis, Tenn.

Western Pine-J. P. McGoldrick, J. P. McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash.

Northern Hemiock and Hardwood-A. L. Osborn, Scott & Howe Lumber Co., Oshkosh, Wis.

California Redwood-Fred M. Fenwick, Charles Nelson Co., San Francisco, Calif.

New Mexico and Arizona-George E. Breece, George E. Breece Lumber Co., Albuquerque, N. M., and T. P.-Gallagher, White Pine Lumber Co., Bernalillo, N. M. _ Northern P^ine-J. A. Mathieu, J. A. Mathieu (Ltd.), Rainy Lake, Qnt.

Southern Cypress-H. B. Hewes, Jeanerette Lumber & Shingle Co., Jeanerette, La.

Western Red Cedar Manufacturers Organize ' Exploitation Company

Seattle, July 16.-An aggressive and long-sustained effort to increase the sales of Western red cedar siding and other lumber and wood products of the same species throughout the United States will follow the incorporation during the week at Olympia of the Western Red Cedar Exploitation Company of Seattle, according to interested lumbermen. The incorporators were Leo S. Black and W. C. McMaster, Seattle, and Robert M. Ingram, Abgrdeen. Eleven mills, three in British Columbia and eight in Washington will constitute the initial membership.

"This is a group move on the part of the principal mills interested in Western red cedar to increase their markets by aggressive joint trade extension, including advertising and concentrated promotional efforts in the important lumber using markets of the country," according to Colonel. W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. "These mills are all members of our association and for the past two years have been working with our staff in a series of intensive market studies to determine ways and means by which the sale of their products might be increased. They are now getting ready to proceed with active trade extension work and have taken the first step by setting up the exploitation company.

"Our studies have shown that the siding lumber made of Western red cedar and used for the exterior of homes. is one of the highest class articles offered to the American public. The wood is an excellent insulator, weather-resisting to a remarkable degree and has no superior as a base for paints. These native qualities, together with its durability, will be merchandised in modern ways to architects, builders and prospective home owners throughout the country. When the trade extension plans are once well started we expect them to continue for several years, allowing for such modifications as may be necessary from time to time."

.In addition to siding for home building, which is the principal product of these mills, special efforts are going to be made by the new company and by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, in cooperation, to secure new uses, in industry and in building, for other products of the Western red cedar log.

The incorporation was for $50,000. A small tax per thousand board feet on all lumber sold by the member companies will go into a fund with which the exploitation company can carry on its advertising and sales promotion work for the group.

The mills participating in the incorporation are the Capilano Timber Company, North Vancouver, B. C.; Hammond Lumber Company, Hammond, B. C.; Thurston-Flavelle Lumber Company, Port Moody, B. C.; Whatcom Mill Company, Bellingham; William Hulbert Mill Company, Everett; John McMaster Shingle Company, Marysville; Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Company, Seattle; St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, Tacoma; Snoqual- mie Falls Lumber Company, Snoqualmie Falls; Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Longview; Bratlie Brothers Mill Company, Ridgefield, Wash.; and E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber Company, Aberdeen.

Trustees of the new company are: R. M. Ingram, A. H. .Landram, C. J. Culter, E. H. O'Neil, L. S. Black, C. H. 'Ingram, H. J. Bratlie, H. D. Lowery, W. H. Mclallen, Aird Flavelle, and T. J. Skalley.




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When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglao Fir, the Ac&ciation gradc and tradc mark certify to your cugtomcrs drc qgality of the atock you handle. Buildero quit gueecing about what they're buying, and buy whcrc thcy know what ttrcy'rc getting.

General Saler Office: Eugene, Ore Millr: Wendling, Ore.' Springfield, O!c.

'Californh Oficer

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