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lnors ARE GooD and prices up. Farmers are planning fall building- nev/ robfs, repairs, new cons-trucion. Here's a natural for Cenigrade Red Cedar Shingle dealers-a chancetogo ro town profitablyand in a bigway.
Show your farm customers how Certigrade overroofing and over-walling save time and money. Emphasize the low first cost, low upkeep, and permanence of-Cenigrade Shingles; the effective insulation provided at no extra cost. For FREE copies of the CenL grade Handbook and Ponfolio ofCenigrade Homes, write today: RedCedarShingle Bureau, Dept. CC-837 Seattle, Wash ington;Canadian ofice,Y ancouver, B.C.
For new homes and remodeling. Pa*icularly adapted for kitchsns, bcdrooms, dens and social rooms.
A small stock in your yard will develop additional sales . increased volume. Resale price protected.
6$TRABLE eeGoods of the Woods"
./\ zirri: \y Y-6 .l 7?-
Your Guaratatee for Quality and Service
Complete Stockrr
Los Angeles and Oakland
. Yard Stock-Oil Rig Material Insulation Boards-I(/allboards
Creosoted and Wolmanized Lumber and Timbers Protection Against Decay and Termites