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Sudden e, Christenson Lunrber
7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg., AGENTS
Amcricen Mill Co.
Hoquiem Lumber & Shingle Co.
Hulbert Mill C.o.
Vilhpr Herbor Lumboc Milb
630 Board of Tradc Bldg.
and Shtpptng
310 Sansome Street, San Francisco STEAMERS
Abcrdoca, VerL Trinidad Dyder Hanify Hoouiem. Warh. : Barbara Cater Aberdeea. \ger6" Dorothy Cahill Edna Chrirtcaroa
Raymond, Varh. Jane Chrirtenron Branch Oficcs: SEATTLE
National Bank of Comrnercc Bldg.
New Folders Describe Insulation Products
Four folders describing the Armstrong Cork Products Company's line of equipment insulation products have just been made available. The illustrated b,ooklets contain information on LK Corkboard, Temlock, and ArmstrongCorning Wool.
LK Corkboard is developed especially for refrigerator equipment. Temlok is made from southern yellow pine and is used for cer.tain types of ,cabinet constru,ction in addition to its many ,other uses. It is furnished in pieces or sets fabricated at the factory.
Armstrong-Corning Wool, a ,comparatively nerv addition to the line, is a light-weight, flexible fibrous glass insulation, made from inorganic material. It does not absorb moisture or fumes and is not subject to deterioration. Its fibres are fireproof and acid-resistant.
Each of the above products are described in a separate folder. A fourth booklet summarizes the features of three products and contains information on Armstrong's life test room, maintained in the company's central te,chnical laboratories at Lanc'aster, Pa., especially f,or manufa,cturers who are using Armstrong insulation or are interested in making efficiency tests.
Any or all of these booklets may be had free by writing the Armstrong Cork Products Company, Lan.caster, Pa.
Remodels Office
Charles H. Chapman, Santa Ana retailer, has remodeled his private office and it looks very attractive.