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"Fabricating the \TesternPiner" New Talking

Motion Picture

Portland, Oregon, Jluly 2.---The release of a new motion picture, a talkie-movie entitled "Fabricating the Western Pines", is announ'ced by the Western Pine Association. This is the second in a series of films made by the promotion department of this organization, on behalf of the mills, factories and dealers who produ'ce, handle and deal in Ponderosa Pine, Idaho White Pine and Sugar Pine, for the delineation of various phases of the production, conversion and use of lumber and related products manufactured from these species.

The continuity carries the theme in logical sequence, while a ghost-voi'ce monolog recorded on the sound tra,ce of the film gives a clear explanation as the picture progresses. Opening with flash views of timber, logging and sawmill scenes trace back the origin of the basi,c material in the form of pine lumber, the subject matter follows through the su,ccessive operations; cutting and sorting the material ; clever machines in operation shaping and preparing component parts; the making and assembling of window and door frames; sash, doors, screens made up, finished ancl fitted for long satisfactory service; a comprehensive and enlightening action-story with universal appeal.

It is a pi'cture that is edu'cational, instructive and entertaining, appropriate for the use of trade schools, manual training classes and civic organizations; or for showings before groups of salesmen, dealers, architects and builders; while it is a subject of primary interest to millwork manufacturers and distributors who specialize in such products.

A number of 16 millimeter prints of the film are available. These will be loaned free for use by respolsible parties and organizations who wish to arrange for showings of the picture. The 16 mm. film is all on one 1200 foot reel; it is non-inflamm'able, and requires about thirty-five minutes running time. This size is for projection with a portable sound projector. Also 35 mm. films, on three reels, are provided without'charge, other than transportation cost one rvay, when oc,casionally required for use on standard theater equipment.

Requests for bookings are invited by the Western Pine Association, Yeon Building, Portland, Ore., from whom complete information regarding the films may be obtained.


Fred W. Roth, of Roth-Maier Lumber Co., San Francisco w'as back July 26 lrom attending the fortieth triennial conclave of the Knights Templars at Miami' Florida.

He called on retail lumber dealers in Miami and St' Petersburg and found lumber being sold on a very low margin. Dimension, for instance, that cost fi22.W laid dorvn in the yard was being sold for $26.00.

On Business Trip To Northwest


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PROFIT ie eaey to male when'you handle Red Top Ineulating Wool. The demand ie there . the quality ia there. couvenieut warehouee atockg ar6 near at hand-why not write ur today for full iuforma. tion on botl the product and the opportunity?

I Reg. Trade-marl

UNTTED STATES GYPSUM CO. 3OO .lfY. Adua St., Cbicago, Ill.

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