3 minute read
Sach Doors lllllwork
Annie Chricteruoa
Edwin Chrirtenron
Catherine G. Suddco
Eleanor Chrirtenron
Cherler Chrirtcnron
2O0 Henry Bldg.
Redwood Home in Use 82 Yearc
Eighty-two years in use, remodeled or altered at least 11 times and "still in good shape." Thus reads the life history of the solid Redwood home of Mr. and Mrs. Emory H. Smith of Colusa, pioneer county-seat community in the Sacramento valley of California.
The trail of ownership of the Smith home can be traced from the first settlenrent of Colusa in the '50s' It u'as built originally by Charles D. Semple, co-founder of the town, to whom the Redwood timbers and siding were shipped via San Francisco up the Sacramento river by boat. It has been orvned by six difierent families. The longest individual residence was 28 years.
The Smith home, which is being moved to a different location to make room for a new redwood home of Cape Cod architecture, is one of nearly a hundred Redwoocl homes built in Colusa in the days before the Civil War. Heart of one of the richest agricultural sections in the state. Colusa is off the beaten path of tourist travei but remains one of the most picturesque cities in the West with many of its original homes still standing and in constant use.
Build Lumber Storage
West Coast Screen Company, manufacturers of the wellknown Hollywood combination screen and metal sash door', recently completed construction of a lumber storage yard opposite their plant on East 63rd Street, Los Angeles.
CLASSIFIED Ratc--t2.50 Pq Colum ADVERTISING Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Will consider financing young retail lumberman with following in Los Angeles County. Must be practical man andable to operate retail yard. Write full particulars, giving experience, age, etc. Address Box C-672, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Trailers For Sale
3 Utility Make Lumber Trailers for sale. Steel construction with rollers and binders. l-Ton capacity. Make offerBaskett Lumber Company, 922 West Philadelphia St., Whittier, Calif., Phone 43462.
For Sale
320 acres. Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine and Fir. I mile from Coun$r Roa4 foot of mountain, level land, Trinity County. Reasonably priced. If interested write to LEONARD H. HARRIS, Broker, Califo'rnia Theatre Bldg., Santa Rosa, Calif.
Experienced Lumbeirman
Age 34, aggressive. Fifteen years' orperience includes actual sawrnill in Coast and Inland Empire mills; se\ren years wholesale selling in Middle West; two years California retail experience in sales, correspondence, credit and collection management. Address Box C'677, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Salesman Wanted
Want ambitious young man to sell White Pine, Sugar Pine, Spruce and Hardwoods to wholesale trade in Los Angeles. Real opportunity for right man.
Lumber Inspector Wanted
Want high class man experienced in grading Hardwoods, White and Sugar Pine.
PENBERTHY LUMBER COMPANY' Telephone Klmball 5111. 2055 E. 51st St.
Retail Vards For Sale
Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.
Yard in active Coast city doing $t0,0(X) a month, real estate leased. Improvements $6,000, including one owned lot, equipment $4,000, stock $8,000.
Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
For Sale
Retail lumber yard on main boulevard in East Bay district. $5000.00 will handle. Address Box C.-676 California Lumber Merchant.
Going and Coming
Charles P. Henry, Chas. R. McCormick Angeles, and family, have returned from the Northwest.
W. T. White, president of cisco, and Mrs. White spent Tavern. Lake Tahoe.
Lumber Co., Los a vacation trip to
White Brothers, San Franthe month of July at Tahoe
John Olson, Los Angeles wholesaler, is back from a vacation spent in the High Sierra.
Clay Brown, of Portland, Ore., sales manager of the plywood division of Smith Wood-Products, Inc., rvas in San Francisco on business, July 26.
Ernest L. Nelson, South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc., Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' vacation in the Northwest.
Earl Carlson and John Helms, salesmen for the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, have returned from a 10-day automobile trip to the Northrvest where they called on the firm's mill connections.
D. Normen Cords, salesman for pany, San Francisco, has returned tion at Monte Rio on the Russian
\Vendling-Nathan Comfrom spending his vacaRiver.
L. G. Burns, Burns Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back from a business trip to the Northwest.
Bill Gamble, superintendent of the Graves Company, Los Angeles, has stepped out in a new Studebaker automobile and he gave it a good workout last rveek when he made a trip to the Redwood region.
C. W. Buckner, Harbor Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, spent several days in Los Angeles the latter part of July on company business.