1 minute read

Going and Coming

Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and family are spending a month's vacation at Lake Independence in the High Sierra. They u'ill return to Los Angeles August 6.

Don Doud is back from a trip to Grays Harbor where he visited the mills he represents in Southern California. He traveled by airplane.

Percy Merithew and Dave Gates, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, will be back at their desks on August 2 following a vacation spent at Yellowstone National Park. Their families accompanied them on the trip.

William T. Hancock, traffic manager for the Kirby Lumber Company, Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Hancock, are spending a two weeks' vacation in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Their old friend, W. C. (Bud) Connor, Pacific Coast agent for the C. & E.I.R.R., plans to take them on a motor trip to Yosemite National Park and also to visit some of the pine mills in the Feather River district.

E. W. Hemmings, Los Angeles, is back from a trip to the Pine mills he represents in Southern California.

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