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Ten Years Ago Today
From the Files of fhe California Lrmbet Merchant, August 1 , 1927
Captain E. B. (Ed) Culnan attended the Reserve Officers Army Training Camp at Monterey from July 16 to Angust 1.
The newest industry in which the lumber industry of Washington, Oregon and British Columbia is taking a most active interest, is the building and operation of paper mills. There are now in active operation in Washington and Oregon fifteen pulp and paper mills, using wood for their raw materials.
Announcement has been made of the Second Redwood Contest on the uses of Redwood by the California Redwood Association. The contest will close December 31. Orvners' managers and employes of retail yards; salesmen and mill representatives of Redwood mills, and mill employees of Redwood companies are eligible to enter the contest.
The Hammond Lumber Company entertained the Purchasing Agents Association of Los Angeles, devoting the entire day to their seventy-five guests. They were shown over their Los Angeles retail plant, and then taken to San Pedro where they visited their docks and coast yard operations. They were also taken on a two-hour trip around Los Angeles harbor, lunch being served on the boat.
This issue carries a career sketch of R. L. Duvall, salesman for the Wheeler-Osgood Co., in the Northern California territory.
Arthur B. Griswold, C. D.Johnson Lumber Corporation, San Francisco, reported a successful fishing trip to the Eel River when he caught the first large "steelhead" of the year which weighed ten pounds. In the Rod and Gun Club column appearing in the San Francisco Examiner, he got special mention for his catch.
Bill Hamilton of Los Angeles, Southern California representative for Holmes-Eureka Co. was the recipient of congratulations from his many friends, the occasion being the arrival of a baby daughter at his house.
With a thunderous concussion that was heard and felt for miles, a mountain crag of limestone, weighing more than 500,000 tons was literally blown to bits at Monolith when a record charge of 200,000 pounds of dynamite was exploded in a single blast at the quarries of the Monolith Portland Cement Co. Monolith officials Zrnd several hundred spectators rvitnessed the spectacular explosion.
Reports coming out of San Francisco say that Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., has taken up golf. Hugh Gallagher of the Matson Steamship Co. is the guilty party who has lured Frank onto the links. Frank bought himself a very swanky outfit and it looks like he is going after the game in a big way.
Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. announces that the company will proceed with plans for the construction of their plant at Klamath Falls and that actual construction will be under way before the end of the year
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit gueesing about what they're buying, and buy where drey know what they're getting.