2 minute read
Cafifornia Building Permits lor June
Los Angeles ....
San Francisco
County unincorporated area.
*San Fernando Valley Annex.
*West Los Angeles
Sales Helps for Dealers
N{inneapolis, 1\{innesota ; Jrly 12The Insulite Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has recently prepared several new literature items for lumber clealers. This is a part of the enlarged program of advertising which the company has scheduled for 7937.
Outstanding among the new selling helps is a twelve page book in colors entitled, "Increasing Home Enjoyment rvith Insulite." The book contains many photographs shorving major phases in home construction and should help dealers to close sales for materials on new homes as .rvell as for interior modernizing jobs or.r houses alreacly erected.
Supplementing this nelv book, a series of five colore,d envelope stuffers has been released. Bildrite Sheathing and Lok-Joint Lath, the company's insulating.wood sheathing and plaster base, respectively, are described in individual stuffers, as is Insulite H'ardboarcl. The use of Insulite on farms ancl the selling points of the Insulite lVall of Protection are set forth in the fourth ancl fifth stuffers in the series. All of these folders are so designed that they may be includecl in envelopes with monthly statements.
A sttpply of any of these nerv pieces rvill be sent to <lealers requesting them. The small folders are imprinted rvith the dealer's name and address vi'hen furnished in quantities of trvo hundred or more.
San Francisco Lumbermen's Club meets regularly at the Engineers' Club, Pine and Sansome Streets, San Francisco, each Monday at 12:15 p.m. In spite of vacation season attendance keeps up well. All lumbermen are lvelcome.
Spending Vacation
Roy Johnson. Grave.; Company, ily, are spelding their vacation in
MR. SAI.ES MATTAGER: D0 You KIt0w r r r
--that more thon a thousond changes oI credit ratings, os well as other chonges-vital to both your sales ond clredit deportments-are made, on the dverdget eoch month, by the industry's own speciol reporting {ervice?
-thot dn dv€rdge of 432 concerns just starting in business -most of which ore buyers of lumber ond aliled products -ore investigated by this ogency eoch month?
-that 980 concerns, on the dverdget ceose doing business each month of the year?
Ig.q_n:v know of these hcppenings, but, DO yOU KNOW_
--thot oll o[ these changes in ratings and oll other changes, the nomes of oll new concerns just starting in.businesi (new buyers), and of all concerns quittinq business. ARE REPORTED VOLUNTARILY EVERV THIRD \(/ORKING DAY to users of the Lumbermen's Red ond Blue Book Service?
The information in the Lumbermen's Credlt Rating Book-on your desk-is kept up-to-date, both os to listed names ond credit ratinss \(/lTHlN THREE DAyS of the time the information is developed in our office.
You need this Twice-A-\ileek SUPPLEMENTED book riqht ot your elbow to guide you in soliciting ond accepting ordZrs lrom old os well ds new concerns. ll it is not on your desk now, let us put one there on 30 days approval. Your consenting to this will not obligote your compdny in any way except ds to. its refurn, at our expense, at the end o[ the 30 day approvol period, if you are not sotisfied thot it is a good i nvestment.
In Wyoming
Los Angeles, and famWyoming.
lf you d.ecide to keep it, a small initial payment can be made on our lour-poyment plan.
Moke the t€st now. Learn during the next 30 days whot o help this service really is to you ii your sales worr.