3 minute read
Bv JacJ< Dionne
Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some less
It's All In The Point o[ View
Old Mandy, a big fat colored washerwoman, with a large basket of clean clothes for the white folks, had tried repeatedly and in vain to cross the busy street. Every time she left the curb she had to jump back quickly to keep from being annihilated by some speeding automobile. Mandy was outraged, as she loudly and volubly abused the white folks who hadn't any consideration for poor, helpless niggers.
And then a big shiny black sedan came along and stopped just as Mandy was making another desperate effort to cross the street. The white gentleman driving the car leaned out and said, "Crawl in the back, MandXr mX wife wants to see you right away."
President Signs Yosemite Park Bill
Washington, July lO.-President Roosevelt signed today a bill authorizing the Interior Secretary to acquire for addition to Yosemite National Park approximately 7500 acres of land adjacent to the western boundary of the park, described as virgin sugar-pine lands'
Insulating Board Makes Good Motion Picture Screen
A Los Angeles builder who finished the walls and ceiling of a basement recreation room with a snrooth-finish, factory-painted Temlok De Luxe insulating board found that the wall made an ideal screen upon which to project motion pictures. This insu'lating board is available in sizes from 4 by 6 feet to 4 by 12 leet and is finished in six colors' The builder used the white color and found that its smooth surface provided a highly satisfactory screen'
So Mandy deposited her basket of wash on the floor of the car, dragged herself inside and settled gratefully upon the deep cushioned seat. The sedan sped on its way. Mandy heaved a heavenly sigh, her fat face wreathed in a seraphic smile. And then she was thrown violently to one side of the car as it swerved suddenly to avoid running down an old negro man who was desperately trying to cross the street, much as Mandy had been doing.
Mandy cried indignantly, "Jes' run right on ovah dat ole fool niggah, Mistah Hamilton; he ain't got no bizness out dere, noways !"
Improvements At Hobbs Wall Plant
Hobbs, Wall & Company have added three acres to their site at 2350 Jerrold Avenue, San Francisco. This will make room for an extra three million feet or a total of seven to eight million feet of Redwood which they intend to carry in their yard at all times.
A new burner was recently installed by Rees'Blow Pipe Mfg. Co. of San Francisco, and two new Ross Carriers have been added to the equipment at the yard.
John Rhoda is yard superintendent at the San Francisco plant.
Change Of Office
Wilfred T. Cooper, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the Snider Sales Co' of Portland, Ore', red cedar shingle manufacturers, has moved his office from room 330 to room 622 Petroleum Securities Bldg. His telephone number remains the same, PRospect 1884.
U. S. Gypsum Company to Feature New Lumber is Represented on Golden Gate \(/allboard, Tape and Joint System International Exposition Committees
An extensive fall advertising campaign is now being planned by the United States Gypsum Company on its new type patented gypsum rvallboard, Recessed-Edge Sheetrock, and the patented tape and joint system in connection with which the new board i5 u5s6.
Several important advantages are claimed for the new products. Together they provide a method of wallboard construction of exceptional strength, permitting easy and economical erection of walls and ceilings free of shadow lines.
When two units of the board are set together on a wall, a shallow channel is formed. Into this channel a special cement is applied and a strong fiber tape is embedded in the cement. The cement is then leveled ofi, and when drv the joint is sanded lightly. The finished joint is flat, smooth, flush with the face of the board, and actually stronger than the board itself. The new tape, called perfA-Tape, was especially designed for use in this patented joint system.
A folder describing the new products and containing complete directions for their use has been prepared by the company, and, is available on request.
Washington, July l0.-President Roosevelt signed today legislation authorizing government participation in the San Francisco Bay Exposition in 1939. The law authorizes an appropriation of $1,500,000.
To assist in selling the West's Golden Gate International Exposition in 1939, President Leland W. Cutler has named a promotion committee of 25 California publicists. This group, headed by Ted Huggins of the Standard Oil Company of California, will work with Publicity Director Clyde M. Vanderburg in an effort to carry the Exposition to the public through all industries and commercial enterprises.
Lumber is represented on the committee by Dwight O'Dell director of information of the California Redwood Association. Mr. C)'Dell r.r'as also named chairman of the sub-committee on lumber industry participation, membership of which will be announced within a month.
Opens Yard At Lancaster
Beckwith Lumber Company has opened a new lumber yard at Lancaster. The company planned to have the buildings completed and stock in place by July 2O. The firm consists of NIax T. Beckwith, well knorvn in Antelope Valley building circles, and his brother, Warcl B. Beckq'ith, who has been with the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. for nearly fifteen years.
Returns From Vacation
H. D. (Doug) Cook, of Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, is back from two weeks'vacation spent mainly at Carmel. Doug put in a lot of time on the famous Pebble Beach golf course and as a result should be in good shape for week-end games.