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Philippine Mahogany lmporters Hold Adiourned Annual Meeting at Colorado Springs

\(/. G. Scrim Re-Elected President

The adjourned attnual rneeting of the Philippine Alahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., r'as held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo., on luly 12 and 13. The meeting was very representative of the industry, consisting of rnembers from both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. Plans t'ere discussed for future Association activities in regard to promotion n ork, as rvell as matters of general interest to the industry. The members expressetl themselves as well pleased with the progress of the organization during the past year, and with prosperous outlook for the future and increasing demand for Philippine Mahogany.

A solid foundation of future demand is being built b1- the far-reaching consumer advertising program. being carried on by the Association, said Joseph R. Gerber, president of Gerber & Crossley, Inc., advertising agency.

The following officers u'ere re-elected for the corning 1'ear: W. G. Scrim, president; H. R. Black, vice-president; Glenn \Ar. Cheney, secretar)'-treasurer; G. P. Purchase, assistant secretary-treasurer.

Philippine hardwoods are obtaining greatly increased use in the United States, President W. G. Scrim told the members. The 1936 import reports show that a total of 33,441,000 board feet of Philippine woods was brought to this country, of which n3863/Ul: board feet was imported by PMMIA members. Last year's total was 4,000,000 board feet greater than in the previous year.

The board of directors elected for the ensuing year were:

W. G. Scrim, Roy Barto, H. R. Black, Thomas E. Powe.

J. K. McCormick, Glenn W. Cheney, and George C. Cornitius.

The following attended the meeting:

W. G. Scrim, Findlay-Millar Timber Co. Los Angeles

H. R. Black, Black & Yates, In,c. .....Brooklyn

Glenn W. Cheney, Dant & Russell, Inc. ...Portland, Ore.

Roy Barto, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc. Los Angeles

Thomas E. Powe. Thomas E. Powe Lumber Co...St. Louis

George C. Cornitius, George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co. .. San Francisco

J. K. McCormick, Henry J. Winde Company

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