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San Diego Hoo-Hoo Concat August 10

The San Diego Hoo-Hoo will hold a dinner and concatenation at Rosarito Beach, Rosarito, Mej<ico ,Thursday, evening, August 10. Dinner will be served at 8:00 p.m., and will be followed by the concat. A fine class of Kittens have been signed up.

Vicegerent Snark Frank Park announces thaf anybody coming by train to San Diego can get transportation to Rosarito, and machines will be available leaving the Benson Lumber Company plant at 5:30 p.m. He states that there is a fine hotel at Rosarito where everybody can get accommodations for the night, also there is an excellent beach for those r,r'ho care to go bathirig. He plomises a rousing time for everybody attending.

The l-os Angeles Hoo-Hoo Nine will be in charge of the initiation, and a large group from Los Angeles is expected to attend.

Robert Estudillo. retail lumberman and owuer of the Maderia San Ysidro at Tia Juana, is heading the committee in charge of the arrangements. The other mbmbers of the comrnittee are Clifi Roberts, Benson Lumber Company, Carl Gavotto. American Products, Inc., and Mearl Baker, Baker-McDermott Hardwood Co.

Hoo-Hoo Arvrucl-1944

The governing body of Hoo-Hoo International has determined that the 1944 meeting will follow the pattern set irf 1943, namely a Hoo-Hoo All-Out Annual, with September 9, 1944, as Hoo-Hoo day.

No*hern Retailerg Hear Explanation Of Lumber Control Order L-335 :

Northern California retail lumbermen heard a talkronii'1 Lumber Control'Order L-335 by Don A' Campbell, chie{':{ of marketing control, Lumber and Lumber Products D-i"" vision, War Production Board, Washington, D' C', at a;{ luncheon meeting held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, ' July 25. lresident Ray Clotfelter presided, and the speakeri: was introduced by F. Dean Prescott.

ation of Northern California; attracted a large and repre-; sentative attendanpe of retailers,and a number of San Fran:L cisco wholesalers.

Following his talk Mr. Campbell answered a large nunr-1' elucidation of the provisions of L-335.

Terrible Twenty GolI Tourtrcrrnent

The 218th Terrible Twenty golf tournament was held the Riviera Country Club, Santa Monica, Thursday aftee noon, July 13. A buffet supper was served in the evening. Curt McFadden and Roy Pitcher were the hosts.

"Bonnie" Bohnhofi, with his net 75 score, rvop first a sport shirt. Curt McFadden, with a net76, was the prize winner, a half dozen golf balls. Bob Osgood beatAlling in the play-ofi for second prize carried over from last tournament, and he received two neckties.

Frank Berger u'ill handle the August tournament which: rvill be held at the Oakmont Country Club.

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