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How Lumber Looks
The part two weeks have shown very little change or very little improvement in the Douglas Fir rnarket- Prices remain about the same. ln the Los Angeles District, some wholesalers report that the retail demand has picked up a liule and that it is easier to sell at the present time than it was during the month of July. They report that there is a scar' city of 2x4's, SlE, cargo grade, and that this item is eary to sell.
On Augsst 10' 34 boats were reported tied up. Unsold lurnber at San Pedro will run about 12 million feet. Druins the month of July, the cargo receipte at San Pedro were: Douglas Fir 94,46O M ft., Redwood 15,75O M ft., making a total of 11Or21O M ft. The cargo receipts for the same month in 1926 totaled 119,830 M ft. Fir cargo arrivals in San Francirco for the month of July amounted to 461746 M ft., while the Redwood receiptr totaled 8r2OO M ft.' making a total of 54'946 M ft.
Cargo receipts at San Pedro for the month of August will run about the same as for July. Up to the night of Awust 12, the cargo arrivals totaled 45 million feet. The Augrrst bulding permits for Los Angeles are running ahead of July.
It remains difficult to buy in the Northwest and the mills do not seem particularly anxious to sell at present pricea. Pricec at the mills are holding up well. They report a good volrune of business from the Atlantic Coast at better pricer than the Cilifornia market is offering. The mills are keeping their stocks well cleaned up and there is not very much unsold lumber on the docks at the cargo mills.
Redwood stocks and prices remain about the same. Pricee are firm. Construction and the lower grade stocks at the mills continue badly broken. For the week ending JuIy 30, the Association barometer shows for 16 reporting millr: Orders received 51716 M ft., shipments 91713 M ft., production 9,O89 M ft. For the year 1927 to July 30, 16 mills report: Orders received 2761402 M ft., production 2141482 M ft., shipments 251,498 M ft.
California White and Sugar Pine. The market on Selectr and number one and two Shop continuec good end some of the mitls are oversold on these items. The dernand for Com' mons is also active. Prices remain about the same. The position of the mills is better than at any time driring the past two years-production is less and shipments are holding up well.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association barometer for the week ending July 3O, based on 122 reporting mills' shows: Production 11816781715 ft., new business 111'378r450 ft., shipments 117,265,599 ft. For the first 3O weoks n 19271 81 reporting mills show: Production 2,3031676,852 ft., new bnsiness 2r43lr29lr5ol ft.r shipments 2r392r794r' 229 ft. Compared with the same period in 1926' 105 mills reported: Production 3110716721280 fL, new burinesa 3r' 265,580,476 ft., shipments 3,2O8,655,703 ft.
For'the week ending July 29, the SoutAern Pine A*ociation barometer, based on 1O6 reporting mills, showr: Orders received 6011711876 ft., rhipmentr 6312o41192 fL, production 63,O17,438 ft.