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California Retail Lumbermen's Association to Hold Annual Convention at Los Angeles
The following directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and Secretaries of Local Clubs in the state met at the Samarkand Ffotel, Santa Barbara, August 6th, at a luncheon meeting, followed by the business session :
Paul Hallingby, President... ....Los Angeles
Elmore King. Bakersfield
R. F. Wells, Vice-President. ...Turlock
I. L. Ott. .Santa Ana
Francis E. Boyd Santa Barbara
W. R. Vanderwood..... ....Glendale
A. D. White ....Riverside
Verne Whitson Santa Ana
Geo. N. Swartz. ....Long Beach
E. D. Tennant... ...Los Angeles
O. H. Maatsch ...Glendale
R. Cameron ....Palo Alto
C. W. Pinkerton .Whittier
J. E. Neighbor, Treasurer. ...Oakland
Chas. Curran, Vice-President ..Pomona
A. E. Ficklirg... ...Long Beach
C. E. Bonestel Ve'ntura
Paul M. P. Merner. ..Palo Alto
Jessie E. Fras,er, Secretary-Manager. .San Francisco
R. D. Mundell .....San Bernardino
E. Steftensen.... ....Santa Ana
Stephen Westover. ..Alhambra
C. D. Le Master. .. .Sacramento
The Alexandria Hotel, at Los Angeles, was chos,en as the place to hold the next annual convention of the As- sociation, and November 3rd, 4th and 5th are the dates. The entire mezzanine floor of the Alexandria Hotel, which is visible from the spacious lobby of the hotel, will be used for exhibits of manufacturers, etc. The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, through Senator Chas. B. Hamilton, extended the invitation to the directors to hold the convention in Los Angeles. Also letters and wires from the Chamber of Commerce, and the Mayor of Los Angeles were received. The Riverside Chamber of Commerce also extended a very hearty invitation to hold the Convention in Riverside, as did also the Chamber of Comm'erce and Mayor of San Bernardino, but the directors felt that the City of the Angels would be the most easly accessible to the greater number of lumbermen of California.
No definite plans for the Convention have been made to date, but Secretary Fraser assures us that it will be the very best convention the Association has yet had. The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce has assured their cooperation in drives for the delegates around the Bay Cities, through the Sunken Gardens of Pasadena, and the most thrilling of all to the delegates will be a tour of the moving picture studios in Hollywood, which can only be seen when sponsored by such an organization as the Los Angeles Chamber of Commeroe. This they have promised at a date agreeable to this Association. The Annual Dinner Dance will also be a feature of the Convention-with bridge and theatre parties for the ladies who do not wish to attend the business sessions of the Convention.
(Continued on Page 10)