2 minute read
Q MALLEST of standard sizes, yetto make thistiny J ribbon of wood, great logs are skidded by giant donkey engines and hauled many miles over mountainous steel highways before the band saw slices the first slab.
AL And from the mastery of mountain logging to the accurate moulding of the slender, well' seasoned strip, each step is gauged to those high standards which have won for Pickering West Coast Products two successive Gold Medal Awards by the State of California.
Q Ready now for your requirements every standard item in California White and Sugar Pine, including wide and thick finish, moulding, lap and bungalow siding, factory shop and common lumber and the pretriest lath produced. Telephone our nearest representative or
W. H. Gibbons. of Houston. Texas. a well known lumber wholesaler of that territorv. has been a recent visitor in both Los Angeles and San-Francisco. He was accompanied by his wife and son, and they are making a tour of the Pacific Coast.
R. F. Hamilton, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, left for the East the latter part of July on an extended business trip. He will visit the company's Chicago office and other points east. He will be away about six weeks.
from Page 8.)
The "Build a Home First" movetnent of Erwin Ennis and the New Jersey Lumbermen's Association was unanimously endorsed by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and th-e Seiretaries present at this meeting. The directors feel that if each lumberman would get behind this movement, and display the "Build a Home First" slogan that it would plant the desire for homes in the minds of the American people, for after all is said and done, thoughts are things and we must think and visualize a home before we ever start to build one; and Desire is the Mother of the Act, so we as lumbermen should create the desire for HOMES.
The Northwestern Mutual Fire Insurance Company was selected as the official insurance company of the Association, receiving the endorsement at the directors' meeting. Mr. A. C. Baker of Los Angeles attended the meeting and set forth the benefits to be derived by the Association should the affiliation be consumated. Definite Dlans for

Frank Adams On Trip To Coast
Frank Adams, manager of the Chicago office of The Pacific Lumber Co., is on his annual trip to the Pacific Coast and is making his headquarters at the company's San Francisco office, where he is conferring with officials of the company. Before returning east, he will visit the company's mill operations at Scotia.
E. A. Selfridge, Jr., lumber trade commissioner to Japan, arrived in San Francisco about the first of August, after having spent about ten months in the Orient investigating lumber conditions. Mr. Selfridge will leave for Washington, D. C., shortly.
cooperation between the Association and the Northwestern I[utual Fire Insurance Company rvill be made by an insurance committee of the Association.
I\[r. Paul Hallingby, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Asso'ciation, who broke his arm on July 4th, appeared at the directors' meeting at Santa Barbara with his arm out of a sling. All his fellow directors and friends ar.e happy to see that he has had such a complete and rapid recovery.
Mr. Ambrose of the Ambrose Lumber Company, Santa Barbara, was also a guest at the luncheon of the directors of the C. R. L. A.
Mrs. A. D. White, Mrs. Chas. Curran, Mrs. R. F. Wells, and Mrs. E. D. Tennant accompanied their husbands on the trip to Santa Barbara, and had a luncheon at the Samarkand Hotel and enjoyed the beautiful grounds while their husbands were working on matters of interest and benefit to all California lumbermen.
You can add appreciably to your ttp"t housett earnings by supplying National Built-in-Fixturer and Kitchen Furniture with each house job. Kitchen fixture business is especially desirable to the lumber dealer because he is selling out of a catalogue. (No stock investment is needed) furthermore, fixtures supplied are of tried and proven deaignE and the fexibility of the kitchen furniture line makes it possible to fit any size kitchen.
FulI information and catalogue on request.