4 minute read
I Directors of National Lu '/ Association Meet at Lumber Manufacturers' San Francisco
The semi-annual meeting of the directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association convened at the Palace llotel, San Francisco, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August l, 2 and 3. Prominent lumbermen from all seitions Lt ttre countiy, together with a large number -of California lumbermen,'were present at the meetings' On Tuesday evening, the directois were the guests of the. California Wtrit. and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association and the California Redwood Association at a dinner and entertainment at Marquards. On Tuesday afternoon. the ladies of the party rver-e taken for a tour of San Francisco' On Thursday morning, following the. Convention, a larg-e number of tire visitors, under the guidance of C' Stowell Smith, left for an inspection trip to some of the California mills.
On Monday afternoon there was an executive session of the National'Lumber Manufacturers' Inter-fnsurance Exchange advisory committee. The advisory board of the Natib"nal Lumber Manufacturers Inter-Insurance Exchange appointed J. J. Lynn and.G. M. Payne, of Kansas City,"Uiisouri, jointiy, attorney-in-fact for the exchange' In iire future, the exihange wiil be operated on a- 20- per cent commission basis instead of a straight salary basis.
H. B. Ilewes, chairman of the National Lumber Trade Extension Committee, called the meeting of the board of directors of the Lumber Manufacturers' Association, on Tuesday morning. At the Tuesday sessions the proposed budget and planJ of the trade extension deqartment of the National Association, was discussed. Lloyd Maxwell, president of the Williams & Cunnynham agency, Chicago, lnd L. B. Moses, representing Wiliiams & Cunnynham and Wood Advertising (Inc.), of New York, who are to act as joint advertising igents io handle the advertising campaign, discussed the advertising campaign supplementing their remarks rvith charts, poiters and proofs of some of the copy. It is the idea io start the campaign try advertising foi i slogan and an announcement to the dealers will be the first step- in that direction. The advertising carnpaign will be started in the fall rvith the idea of securing a slogan for lumber in which magazines, farm paper and trade -journals will be used to inteiest the retail dealers. Mr. Maxwell stated that $113,000 rvill be spent in magazine publicity during the balance of 1927, but a total of-approximately $173,0i00 'lvi1l be expended for advertising of all kinds- during that period. The advertising schedule for the balance ot-1927 rvas adooted at the meeting on Wednesday.
On Tuesclay ifte.t oott. August 2nd, Dr. Compton introduced Mr. John Gibbs, the nervly appointed manager of the Tracle Extension department, who spoke on trade extension and advertising. Mr. Gibbs said it was necessary to have faith in -vour product, and that it was necessary for the lumbermen to ilean house and get down to business, give the consumer an assurance that he is to gej a well danufactured article, then prove to the consumer that it is not fair to assume that all substitutes are as good as lumber.
Mr. A. J. Norris Hill read a paper on fire-proof lumber, suggesting that the cities have their own municipa-l -fireproonng plant and that it be made necessar)/ for all lumber to be treated before being used for building purposes'
Mr. Frank Wisner made a short talk on corporation income tax and suggested that each member get in touch with his congressman or senator and do personal work with them.
Mr. R. B. Goodman, chairman of the committee on economics, at the Wednesday morning session, made his report and in the general discussion that followed, considerable thought was given to the working oug of a new barometer.
Mr. A. C. Dixon, vice president and gdneral manager of the Booth Kelly Lumber Co., led this discussion and it was decided that the secretary communicate with the secretaries of other associations and collect data and information regarding other barometers now in use.
Mr. Geo. S. Long gave a very interesting report on forestry and the Government's timber sales policy.-, Major D. T. Mason read an excellent paper on Forest Management.
Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock a banquet was giyen in the Redwood-room at Marquards, at which J. M. White' general manager of the Long-Bell operations at Weed, acted as toastmaster.
On Thursday morning about twenty-five, including th-e directors and -wives, under the guidance of F. Stowell Smith, left for a trip to some of the California mills. The first stop was made at Madera where they wer_e shown through-the new retail plant of The ljttle River Redwood Co., t[en to the Maderi Sugar Pine Co. plant where they saw the lumber laundry and lumber flume. Bill Baird and "White Pine" Johnson joined the party at Madera. Leaving Madera, t-hey visitld the Sugir Pine Lumber Co., at Pinedale. The Sugar Pine Lumber Co. gave the party a wonderful banquei at the Hotel Californian, Fresno-. A special train took the party to the Central Logging 9t*P of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., on Friday, where lun-ch *". ..rrr"d and they were then shown over the camp by "Red" Muller, the logging superintendent.
Friday night was spent in the Yosemite Valley-and-some of the pirt/took occision to visit the Maripoga B-ig Trees' Satuiday the party visited the plant of the Yosemite Lumber io., *here inother special train took them to the logging carrps where they saw the caterpillar tractor used in logging operations.
Saturday night was spent at the Calaveras Bi€L Trees, the party'visit'ing Brete-Ifarte's cabin and Mark Twain's cabin on the waj'. The party returned to San Franeisco Sunday.
Among the visiting lumbermen who attended the meeting were": C. L. Isted, Bend, Ore.; A. A- D. Rahn, Minneap'olis, Minn.; O. T. Srvan, Oshkosh,-Wis.; M' J. Scanlorr, Minneapolis, Minn.; A. C. Dixon, Eugene, Ore.; R-.B. White, Ka.tsa. City, Mo.; R. B. Goodman, Marinette, Wis' W. F. Baird, Pinedale, Cal.; W. F. Johnson, Pinedale, Cal' Harrv Brooks, Bend, Ore.; Geo. S. Long, Tacoma, Wn' S. L.'Coy, Cloquet, Minn.; H. C. Hornby, Cloquet, {ifl' L. Coy, IVIlnn. ; ll. L. nornDy' Lloquet' tlllt.; A. W. Cooper,- Portland, Ore.; W' S. Rosenberry, G-ibbs, Idaho; Oavia Winton, Gibbs, Idaho; C' D. Terwillige-r, Loyalton, Cal.; J. P. McGoldrick, Spokane, W.n.; q-.-8. Hel'ves, Jeaneretie, La.; I. D. Tennant, Longview, Wn.; J. P. Hinnessey, Minneapolis, Minn.; ,Wilson CoTPton, -Washington, D. C.; John-M. Gibbs, WashllS!!-n, D. 9:i Robt. B] Allen, Seatile, \Mn.; Nelson A. Gladding, Indianapolis, Ind.; W. A. Holt, Oconto, Wis.-; Jam-es-Dahaler, Jr., Camino, Cal.; Swift Berry, Camino, Cal.; C. F- Ande-rson. Marion. S. C.; B. W.'Lakin, McCloud, Cal.; J- L. Camp, Jr., 'Franklin, Va.; Frank Wisner, Laurel, Miss-.;-J. Rosi N[cNeal, Norfolk, Va. ; Jude White, \Meed, Cal. ; John Kaul, Birmingham, Ala.