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-4nrt0un a New
7 Miles from
NewYork City Hall
Jlarks tbe completion of lYtlerhaeuser ?lans
to farnisb tvTMEDIATnsupplies ofWest Coast Lumber to tbe Lurnber Trade Eueryouhere
T\ TOW-with three distributing plants servI\ i"g the thirty million population of the Eastwith the distributing plant at Saint Paul filling Middle West emergency orders-and with the eighteen strategically located Weyerhaeuser Mills running to capacity-Weyerhaeuser Service to the retail lumber trade is complete.
The new plant at Port Newark is the final step in the vast Weyerhaeuser program oI imme' diate service. The first Eastern plant was opened at Baltimore in 1921. The second at Portsmouth, R.I.,started shipping lumber in L926. The third Eastern plant is now in full operation. In the spring, t925, the Middle West plant at St. Paul started operations.
Weyerhaeuser Distributing Plant Service is a vital help to progressive dealers who want to make more money and render better service to their customers. Shipping schedules on the. basis of "24 hours or less" prevail at all Weyerhaeuser distributing plants.
Its benefits are many. You fit your orders to your requirements. Buying ahead becomes unnecessary. No guesswork. No overstocking. Your investment in stock is reduced, likewise storage space. Turnover is speeded up. Profits are increased. You are never "out" o{ any items. There is never an emergency call that you c:urnot meet.
Weyerhaeuser Distributing Plant stock is s,trectnd to meet the specific requirements in the territory which it operates. It is quality stock made to the highest standards.
The Weyerhaeuser man will be glad to tell you the whole story of Weyerhaeuser service. Give him a call.