2 minute read
The Man Who Pays
The will to pay is hereditary, just as much as red hair, or buck teeth. It is a common fallacy that a man pays his debts because he has money. Thic is not necessarily true. On the contrarf, the matter of paying has only a remote relation to money.
On the one hand is your friend with abundance of money, who cannot be cajoledr threatened, beaten, or gassed, into paying tfre moet ordinary debt.
On rhe otfrer hand, the poor fellow without a vigible dollaryou know himwho is Johnny on the Invoice. Money has little to do with eitrher case. It is the breed of the man.
The man who pays, is the man who thinks in advance. He never fashes a roll; he does not drive a car and carry a mortgage at the rame time; he does not hang up the butcher, or the grocer, for food that he cannot afford to
A. A. Derry, Jr., Brown & Derry Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a pleasant vacation spent at San Diego during the early part of the month. He made several side trips out from San Diego among which was a day spent at Tia Juana where he enjoyed the dog races. Mr. Derry stated that this is the first real vacation he has had since his concern started in business over four years ago and felt very much refreshed after his enjoyable holiday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Derry.
eat; he never ltght" the frre without wondering where the coal man gets off. He never throrvs the BuIl, nor pitches the bluff, nor giver notes, nor writes checks dated tomonow, but when the bills come in, he is there with the coin of the realm, C'od Blecs Him.
Sometimes he feels sore at the regt of us. He doeg not feel that he gets on any better than the fellow who skins as he goes. Still, he goes on and pays, and pays, simply because it is in the breed.
And, after all, the world does tfiink a lot of his breed. The man'who pays is the bulwark of aociety. He is the balance wheel of civilization. He is the mainspring of commerce. Business blessec him and he has honor aurong men for all time.
W. H. H. MacKELI.AR, in Roycroft Magazine.
R. B. Allen, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, made a record trip from Portland to San Francisco on August 2 to be present at the meeting of the directors of National Manufacturers Association which had convened at the Palace Hotel on that date. "Bob" had his breakfast in Portland and lunch in San Francisco, making the trip to the Bay City by airplane which consumed a little over five hours of traveling. He stated that the trip was very enjoyable.