2 minute read
\f/elcome to Tacoma,
UR retail lumber dealers, whole salers and manufacturers are united in the wish that your visit will be both pleasant and profitable.
Here you will meet the men who manufacture the lumber you sell; who are extending your markets and their markets for'West Coast Lumber; who are trying to make the lumber business more profitable for all of us.
Be sure to visit our great logging operations, our eftcient sawmills, our factories that manufacture doors, columns, plywood and other wood products. ,This is your opportunity to get factb about the lumber business that will help you in dealing with your owrr trade.
'We know you will like our grear Pacific Northwest; its sparkling waters and its majestic mountains. 'Vfe hope you will take some motor trips over our splendid roads andwill play golf on our scenic courses. And above all visit Rainier National Park-only three hours away from Tacoma.
This advertisement is signed by an organization whose membership in. cludes individuals and firms engaged in the lumber and lumber products industries of the Pacific Northwest. The object of this organization is the spreading of knowledge regarding the valuable attributes of important 'West Coast woods. A display of our work will be on exhibition at the convention and we sincerely hope that you will visit it and talk with our representatives. They r,vill be glad to discuss with you the merchandising and advertising of 'West Coast woods. 'We also extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our headquarters at 562 Stuart Building, Seattle,'\il7ashington.
562 Stuart Building Seattle, Washington
Cooperation And Peruvian Mules
It is generally and ordinarily assumed and accepted as a fact that humans are more intelligent than the so-called lower animals and that they poSsess a better understanding of those mental characteristics upon which civilization is founded. And yet, there are times rvhen it would seem as though that assumption were built upon shifting sands.
Someone sent us the other day, the story of the Peruvian Mules, which story illustrates the possession on the part of these mountain mules of Peru of an understanding of cooperation and helpfulness that a whole lot of business humans in our own country, and in our own district, and in our own territory, seem to sadly lack. This is the story:
"When night comes and the evening meal is over, the Peruvian Mules form a circle. heads to the center, tails outside, with their young in the center of the circle. A mule, outside the circle, acts as sentry. fn case any danger appears or threatens, a signal from the sentry brings every grown mule to its feet, close formation, heads center, flanks close together, presenting a solid row of grim and active legs, each armed with two battering rams, defying any enemy. It is cooperative, coordinated organization. Everyone helps everyone else. Individually helpless, but powerful in concert and in organized ?rr3/, these mountain mules show a wonderful sense of intelligent understanding of their mutual interest. "Ifelp one another," is their slogan."
Wouldn't it be grand if the lumbermen of THIS civilized country could only get that same understanding of mutual interest that these Peruvian Mules possess?