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The "Redwood" Audience is Large -a,nd it r,s cotl,stantly increqsir,g
ARCHITECT and home-owner
A are showing a ready preference for Redwood for homebuilding purposes. Retail lumber yards with well-assorted and wellmanufactured stocks are in a position to take full advantage of this profitable business.
Large capacity Hammond mills manufacture Redwood for all construction purposes. A continuous supply of stocks always en route from our Samoa mill to our Los Angeles Harbor distributing center and for remanufacture at the large Hammond mill-plant, Los Angeles.
Retail yards have a Redwood service at Hammond's that is dependable. A wide range of quality stocks is always at your disposal, by truck, rail or cargo shipment. And that dependable service is at your disposal at all of our sales ofFces.
Combined Capacity of Hammond Saw Mills' l'00O'000 ft. per day.
Big Creek Dam Unhurt In Extreme Flood Tests
The eyes of the engineering world have been focused on one rock-bound spot in Southern California for several months, to ascertain the outcome of an experiment in dam construction near the Big Creek power development project of the Southern California Edison Company in the Southern Sierras.
Co-operating with other leading cement manufacturers, the Monolith Portland Cement Company donated a share of the cement which has gone into a single arch experimental dam, built to be burst, if possible.
The scientific work was done under the Engineering Foundation and supervised and checked by internationally famous men in the field of hydraulics and hydro-electric investigation and development.
Several attempts have been tnade to destroy the dam under extreme flood conditions, but it still stands, with only a ferv minor cracks to attest the strain to which it was put.
Delicate instruments were used throughout the construction and succeeding tests of the dam to register results of the experiment; but no records have yet been set down as to rvhat pressure of water and loose rolling rock will be necessary to cause the ingenious structure to crumble and fall.
The mixing of the concrete was carefully done, but a minimum ambunt was used, as part of the investigation was to determine how small an amount of concrete is actually necessary to build a permanent dam that will hold, even against flood waters.
Engineers point out that cement consumption will increase in. proportion to the economy of such community projects, for more dams are needed and will be built as fast as costs of construction can be reduced.
C. A. Low, director of sales for the Monolith Company, reports that more Monolith is going into the construction of the Big Creek project as a result of the findings of the experimental engineers who are still amazed at the strength of the single arch dam, which is only two feet thick at the top and seven feet thick at the base.
Jack Rea Spendtng His Vacatton On Russian River
Jack Rea, Los Angeles, southern California representative for W. R. Chamberlin & Co., together with Mrs. Rea, is spending his vacation on the Russian River. They stopped off for a day in San Francisco where Mr. Rea was a visitor at the offices of W. R. Chamberlin & Co. and The Little River Redwood Co. During his absence Al Morley of the company's San Francisco office, is looking after the company's interests in the Southern California territory.
The Choice
To one the power was given
To choose what he would be:
To wear the chains that bound him, Or break them and be free. To live in mist-hung valleys
And breathe the lowland air, Or climb to the heights above himThe heights that brave men dare.
He could rest in slothful comfort
As colorless days passed by, Or heed the urgent voices
Of his soul that whispered, "tty." He could walk earth's narrow pathways With men of narrow views, Or tread the highland mesas, For his was the power to choose.
And so, one sunlit morning
He started on his way, And with a steadfast purpose
He labored all the day; And in long days that follorved
From sun to glowing sun, He onward pressed, nor faltered Till the gleaming heights were won.
And now he calls to others
In valleys dim and far, "Come up, the light that beckons Is your soul's guiding star. To you the porver is given
To choose what you shall be, To wear the chains that bind you Or beak them and be free."
Adeline M. Conner Sacramento. Calif.
California Retailers To Attend Tacoma Convention
It is expected that there will be a large delegation of California retail lumbermen in attendance at the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association at Tacoma during the week ol August 22-27. In addition to the regular business sessions, there will be a lumbermen's golf tournament on Thursday, August 25, a ttip to Rainier National Park on Friday, August 26, and an inspection of the logging operations of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. on Saturday, Augtst 27. Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, has sent a bulletin to the California retailers regarding schedules and rates, hotel rates, etc.