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1{Etry MEXICO ARI(AI{SAS t0ursrAl{A
We suggest you use the Advertising Columna of The Gulf Coast lumberman
IACK DTONNE Publisher Hourton, Texat
Its prestige, popularity and circulation in the territory named far surpasses uty other
The first social session of the no\.\' strongly organized and progressive Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club was held in the Ontario Hotel, Ontario, Calif., the night of Tuesday, August Znd, and proved to be a very delightful affair in every way.
Don C. Essler', of the J. W. Heinecke Lumber Yard, of Ontario, rvas Master of Ceremonies of the evening, and proved a delightful host. He rvas associated with Gus Hoover in Los Angeles for many vears before going to Ontario a vear ago and is one of the very keen and enjoy,able charaiters ainong the younger lumb-er persorialities of ,Southern California.
:. The Club has been holding very successful business sessions under the leadership of Robert Mundell, the new Secietary of their Club, and formerly Secretary of the Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association, at Denver, and they decided to har-e a strictly social night and bring in 'their ladies to help them celebrate. The result was that the dining room of the handsome new Ontario Hotel was filled to overflorving rvith the lumbermen and their ladies. The room and tables rvere rvell decorated, there were favors at all the places. a fine orchestra dispensed melody through the evening, and the affair proceeded rvithout a hitch.
After a delightful dinner there u'as a short program, Don Essley acting as Toastmaster in graceful fashion. He introduced some of the notable guests present, including Ed Tennant, Paul Hallingby and I(enneth Smith, and then introduced Jack Dionne, of the California Lumber Merchant, who made the onlv talk of the evening, and that in a light and jovial vein.
After rvhich dancing rvas the program of the evening.