3 minute read
/ tt " employees of White Brothers, San Francisco Bay VfDistrict hardwood dealers, are having a Horse Shoe Tossing Contest which will last for three weeks. Joe Cuneo, their popular representative in the Northern California territory, is donating a beautiful loving cup to the winner.
The following are entered in the contest: B. Bell, R. Burroughs, L. Christenson, L. David, B. Henderson, A. llowatt, J. Howley, R. Iffla, E. Johnston, E. Lindelgve, L. Maricich, C. Moy, L. Serventi and L. Wagner.
At the conclusion of the tournament, teams will be made up and a challenge will be issued to any lumber concern in the San Francisco, East Bay and Peninsula Districts to compete in competitive contests at which appropriate prizes will be awarded to the winners.
/n. M. Shattuck announces that he has taken over the $le orvnership of the Ontario Lumber Co. which will 16e known as the Shattuck Lumber Co. The Ontario Lum,/ber Co. has been in operation at Ontario for the past ' twenty years. Their plant is located at 217 South Plum .\venue,' Ontario.
Professor E. Fritz left San Francisco Saturday, August l3th, for Seattle where he will be associated with the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau as Bureau Field Engineer for the balance of. 1927. Professor Fritz states his plans f.or 1928 are incomplete at this time.
In "Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finest that has everbeen, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our flooring, all go to make this statement possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southern California: C. J. LAUGHLTN 627 Petroleun Securitiee Bldg., Loe Angeler
Northern California: GEORCE C. CORNITIUS, Ameri.can Bank Bldg. San Francisco
Praise From Hank Didesch
Mr. Jack Dionne, California, Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.

Dear Jack-
Our Long Beach Convention was probably the most successful session in our history.
Your own address was the outstanding feature of the business sessions and I am instructed by resolution, unanimously adopted, to express to you the thanks of the entire membership for your Friday morning address. as well as your share in the lighter side of the program on Thursday evening'
May I ttoi .dd my personal thanks tolhose of the membership rvhich - must include a complime"! l9r your snappy work in reporting the proceedings of this tonvention'in your August 1st number-one day after the close of the final session.
Cordially yours,
H. T. DIDESCH, Managing Director
Fred Cline Visits Los Angeles
Fred Cline, of Chicago, Manager of the lumber department of Sears, Roebuck & Company, was a recent bttsiness visitor in both Los Angeles and San Francisco' He came through from the Souih where he called on the lumber trade lefore starting for the Coast. Mr. Cline is one of the largest purchasers of lumber in the entire country.
George J. Osgood, of Tacoma, Wash., executive head of the firm of Wh&ler-Osgood Company, was a recent visitor in California, stopping in San Francisco, and then visiting his son Robert irr Los Angeles. Mr. Osgood is head of one of the great door manufacturing firms of the world, and one that his done much to put Fir doors on the world's map. He has'returned home.
5317 Horton St. - Oakland, Calif.
Wholesale Warehouse
California Pine Plywood Panelr
Open and Glazed Sach
Doors-Mouldingr-Screen Doorc GIVE US
The Good Qualtttes Of Western Hemlock Are Enumerated
According to a very handsome booklet issued !y t!,e West Coasi Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, of Seattle, Wash., the follorving are some of the outstandirig valuable characteristics of Western Hemlock (Tauga heterophylla) :
It is clean and bright in appearance.
It has little sapwood and no pitch, resin or gums to render it unsightly or to make it hard to handle.
It is carefully manufactured and seasoned'
It is light in weight, saving freight and transportation costs.
It is easily and conveniently yarded.
It lies straight in the pile.
Its dimension, as well as other items, is straight aqd does not crook or warP out of shaPe.
Carpenters like to work rvith it because it is light and easy to handle.
It sau.s smoothly and easily.
It requires little labor and efiort in planing and finishing.
It takes nails without splitting and stays nailed.
For all purposes in house, barn and similar construction it gives entire service and satisfaction'
The Grand Ronde Lumber Co. has bought a nerv Gerlinger Hydraulic Lumber Carrier for'use in the company's new saw mill at Pondosa, Oregon.
A free advisory service is maintained by the Dallas Machine and Locomotive 'Works, Dallas, Oregon, manufacturers of the Gerlinger Hydraulic Lumber Carrier, whereby co-operation is afforded to mills in establishing the most efficient yard layout, and the least wasteful operation system. Mills and yards interested in obtaining this free advisory service are asked to write direct to the factory or to any of the distributors of the Gerlinger carrier.
The California distributors are Mailler-Searles, fnc., 135 Fremont St., San Francisco.