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Annuah May Include Trip to Havana
MIAMI, FLA., July 28.-The tentative entertainment program for the 36th annual convention of the ConcatenIted Order of Hoo Hoo to be held in Miami, November 9, 10 and 11, was completed here last week at a conference of prominent members of the fraternity. The meeting wa,s held in the ofiice of the Lumbermen's Credit Bureau, with J. B. Wand, of Jacksonville, State Counselor, presiding' Prominent among those present was W. W. Brock' of Miami, Junior Hoo Hoo of the Supreme Nine.
A wonderful program of entertainment will be provided by the Florida members of Hoo Hoo. The rvhole state is behind Miami and every effort will be put forth, regardless of the extreme depression in the lumber business, to make this one of the most memorable entertainments in the history of Hoo Hoo.
, At Beautiful Columbus Hotel
The Columbus Hotel, overlooking Biscayne Bay and Biscayne Park, one of the finest in the South, will be convention headquarters and the business sessions of the Order will be heid in the great ballroom on the lTth floot. The Columbus Hotel is in the heart of the city and it will prove particularly attractive to visiting Hoo Hoo ladies'
^ The quarterly convention of the Florida Lumber & Millwork Aisociati-on will be held in conjunction 'ivith the Hoo Hoo Annual and this is expected to srvell the attendance at least 100 or more, for an attendance of 250 is expected from Florida for the joint conventions.
Entertainment Features
Features of the entertainment program include the Osir- ian Cloister Banquet at the Coral Gables Country Club; a reception and musicale for the ladies at the Columbus Hotil; a Beach Frolic at the Roney Plaza, North Miami Beach; a bridge luncheon for the ladies at Hotel Biltmore; a ball at either the Columbus or the Alcazar; and a sightseeing motor trip on the closing day, ending with a Tea Dansant at the Miami Biltmore Hotel.
Committee Chairmen
Committee chairmen were chosen by W. W. Brock of Nfiami, Supreme Junior Hoo Hoo. J. B. Wand, of Jacksonville, Hoo Hoo State Counselor and publisher of the Southern Lumber Journal,.is general chairman. Committee chairmen are as follows:
Reception, Ed Leech, Orlando; Finance, D. E. Harper, Tampa; Entertainment, Guy Stoms, Miami ; Reservations, I. W. Gard, Miami; Publicity, E. Booth, Miami; Decorations, G. Tom Bailey, Miami; Concatenation, Seymour Brandes, Miami.
Popular Chairmen
Guy Stoms, chairman of the entertainment committee, has a" national reputation as an entertainer. Directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association entertained at Miami two years ago still recall the rvonderful program for which Mr. Stoms was responsible. i
A large committee of outstanding members of Hoo Hoo and the lumber industry in Florida will serve with Mr. l,eech on the reception committee. Mr. Leech was an outstanding figure at the Kansas City convention last year and (Continued on Page 41)