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Commercial at Stanford

dent Herbert Hoover. He cliscussed, it is reportecl, our entire economic situation.

On the program were; Dr. Thorr-ras Nixon Carver, pro_ fessor of Political Economy, Harvard University; George H. Davis, President of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce; Paul Eliel, Director Division of Industrial Relations, Stan_ ford IJniversity; A. C. Galbraitl.r, Vice-president of Union Oil Company, in charge of industrial relations; Byron C. Hanna, Los Angeles, President Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; E. E. Hoagland, President, Wholesale Tobacco Dealers Bureau, Southern Califoruia i John W. Horvell, President, Sar.r Francisco Chamber of Commerce; Hugh J. Jackson, Dean, Graduate School of l3usiness, Stanfoid University; W. C. Mullendore, Executive Vice_presiclent, Southern California Edison Company; James N{ussatti, Executive Secretary, California Taxpayers Association; John F. Shelley, President, San Francisco Labor Council; Thomas Christy, Executive Vice-presiclent, Seattle Cham_ ber of Commerce.

Helping You Sell More ol the Fastest-Selling Tropical Hardwood

Ten million sales calls are being made for Philippine Mahogany dealers thls year bv advertisements of the Philippine Mihosanv Manufacturers' Import Associaiion, hc. T"he.e advertisements-appearing in Ieading maga. zines such as American Home. Architectuinl Forum, American Build.er, Yachting-pave the way for your own sales efiorts.

Vz.rin {oy illastrated, descriptioe boohlet to philipp in e Mahogany Matzfac ta iers' I mbort Assoc ia t iin, lll Vest Seoenth Street, Los Angeles, California.

The following are some of the major subjects discussecl by authorities on each: Employer-employe relations; tracle associations, their economic significance ; re-educating the public o' the importar.rce of enterprise; an industrial relations program; objects and activities of trade associations; hor,v associations can become more effective: unfair trade practices, etc.

The lumber industry of California was represented in the entire week's classes by George Lotrnsberry, president, and Kenneth Smith, Secretary, of the Lumber & Allied products Institute, of Los Angeles.

Bates Smith, of the Los Angeles office oi MacDonalcl & Harrington, attended the annual high-jinks at the Bohemian Grove in the Redrvoods, and from there r,vent to the North_ west to call on the firm's sawn.rill connections. He expectecl to be back in Los Angeles about August 14.

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