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Zlnc Ghlorldett
Now Trcatcd and Stoclccd at Our Lotrg Bcach Plant for Immcdiate Detivcry to Lumber Dealen
Buy rtBAXCOtt for Service
Propt Alpncatr lm ur rtocL Excbure dria Hotel, Los Angeles, lvas selected as the cotlvention headquarters.
Report of the meeting of the directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association which was held August lst,2nd, and 3rd, in San Francisco. H. B. Hewes was chairman of one of the sessions. C. Stowell Smith took a party of visitors around several of the California Pine mills.
A picture and personar lr.J"rl-ot "Bobby" Burns, of the Western Hardrvood Company, of Los Angeles, rvas one of the features. >1. >F *
An advertisement of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, of Seattle, invites visiting lumber folks in the Pacific territory, to visit the city of Tacoma, rvith its big mills, big trees, logging camps, and mountain scenery. **rF
Weyerhaeuser announces its big nelv sawmill at Lewiston, Idaho, is completed and ready to start operations.
A delegation of California retail lumbermen are preparing to go to Tacoma to attend the annual convention of the
Amerlean Cup l)efender
Our plant supplied the decking for this superb yacht, because only the best obtainable goes into these boats. This same type of wood is necessary for the best Venetian Blinds, factory and warehouse foors.
Ercludve Selcr Agpat ia California for WEST GIOAET WOOID PNESENVING GIO.
National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, August 2227.
The orange e.tt ru*u]r;"': crub herd a night session August 2nd in the Ontario Hotel, in Ontario, with Dee C. Essley as master of .Ceremonies, and Jack Dionne speaker of the evening'
White Brothers of San Francisco, announce a horse shoe pitching tournament for all their employes with a loving cup for the winner.
The good qualities ", ;..*t" Hemlock are enumeratecl in a booklet issued by the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. :f)trt
George J. Osgood, of Tacoma, Washington, president of the Wheeler-Osgood Company, is visiting his son Bob Os_ good in Los Angeles.
A prediction that end-matching softrvood lumber will do much to improve the softwood lumber industry, is made in a special article on that subject.
The l\Iilhvort tr,rtitutJ oi al,,ror"ia closed its annual meeting at Long Beach, luly Dth. A vote of thanks was given Jack Dionne for speaking at both business and social sessions.