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Our well assorted stocks, our well knovyn dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of SERVICE you demand.
For remodeling and modernizing they are red economy.
Mr. A. D. Davis, of the L. A. P. I. {orces, has been designated as contact man and office manager for members, directors, ancl secretaries of the Southern Division. He will also act as assistant to President Parker in keeping the records of the State Association. All communications should be addressed to California Retail Lumbermen's Association, 715 F. P. Fay Building.
President Parker contemplates calling a meeting of all directors and secretaries to a state-wide meeting to be held probably at Bakersfield the latter part of August, the date yet to be set.
Los Angeles Yard Sold
H. D. Crockett has solcl his lumber yard at 1@ E. Florence Avenue, Los Angeles, to F. B. I\{cEntire, who is continuing its operation under the name of the McEntire Lumber & Wrecking Company.
"Gus" Hoover, of Los Angeles, spent a lveek in Northern California, visiting the mills of The Pacific Lumber Company, at Scotia, and their offices and those of WendlingNathan Co.. at San Francisco.
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