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E. M, D ernier SerYice Bu reau Has New Plan Book
When Floyd Dernier, of Los Angeles, cliecl, his sister, NIiss Eda NI. Dernier, who had been associated 'r'r'ith him in his Lumbermen's Service Association for many years furnishing plans and plan books and plan service to the retail dealers of California and Arizona, took over the business. A good busilless \\'oman and a fine plan book worker, I\Iiss Dernier calls her business the E. M. Dernier Service Bureau, located at 3-143 F'ourth Avenue, Los Angeles.
She has just put a new plan book on the market, calling it "Distinctive Moderrl Homes." It is a printed book, 48 pages on heavy enamel paper, and coutaining 39 home pictures and floor plans, and building instructions of general character. I\{iss Dernier offers for sale cletailed plans and specifications of each of these homes.
California Fair Trade And Unfair Practices Acts
Many businessrlen fail to distinguish betu'een the Fair Trade Act and the lJnfair Practices Act of California. They are entirely different pieces of legislation, and function in entirely different rvays.
Fresno Permits Up
Fresno, Aug. 1.-Fresno's construction record for the current year passed the $2,0@,000 mark today rvhen buildirrg permits issued during July, totaling $327,479, brought the total Ior the first seven months ol 1937 up to $2,159,3l9,an increase of $833,245 over the same period in 1936.
Fills a definite need in the construction or renovation of a building 01 a home where conv enience, service and cost ale prerequisites.