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Borsyth Hardwood Oo.

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Zlnc Ghlorldett

Zlnc Ghlorldett

The annual lumber golf tournament at Tacoma, Washington, was held July 29th, with 115 lumberbermen participating. H. M. Balcom. of Seattle, was winner.

J. H. Plunkett of the Pioneer Paper Company, Los Angeles, announces a number of new products of their big plant'

A picture of R. E. "Bob" Caldwell, of the Little River Redwood Company, of San Francisco, adorns one of the Pages'

Francis Nicholson, son of Ed A. Nicholson, has joined his father's company, the Pacific Door & Sash Company, as Publicity Manager.

A two page article is devoted to the merits and uses of redwood block floors, just norv a rage in industrial Los Angeles.

Hello Janet Eleanor

Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Kuhl, of Portland, Ore., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Janet Eleanor, on July 17.

Mr. Kuhl is president of the Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Company.

Frank Osgood, Osgood Lumber Co.. Bell, Calif., spent his vacation at Big Bear Lake.

C. D. Johnson lunber Corporation

This airplane view conveys rone idea of the size and ertent of our plant-with the largest capacity, namely, 47 M pet hour, of any car-and-cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Otd Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. Weekly railingr to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengthr and widthg. California lumbermen are e.rpecially invited to virit our operationr when motoring North thic cumnet via the Coart Highway. Toledo ic jurt 9 miler eaet of the Coect Highway io dircct rqrte to Portland-as& for Dean Johnron or Bob Richardron.

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