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Manufacturer Tells Progress in Grade and Trade Marking
"trIore tha'90 lter.cent of the retailers *.ith *_l,rom rve clo business in Califor'ia r,r,ant tt .ii n"a.r.ooa tu,rrb.i fio,i. ancl tracie-marked, ancl 1oo p", .".rt-oi ou. Ilnrt.intlilr_ :::t. uf. grade and tracle_rnarked,,' said p..,f V.-fiof,rr.i, Fiff .'Tff ":"';;f .J,T"I"'#'ir"""i:ift ,::"1fi ,::;:11 ucts, in reply to a question as to horv grade ancl ti"a._ ma.rkingis-rvorking orrt witlr Li, fiin,." " \v e nrst startecl. gracle_marking in 1925,,, saicl NIr. Holmes. "At that tirne rl e announcecl to the retail tracle lli! *. Ie,r9. pr.pnred to g.oa"_;in.k our tumbcr for alt who wanted this extra- serviie, ancl u-ithout trying t. i.i.. th.e use of grade-markecl lumb.r-*"-l-,u"" conclrrctecl an educational ianrpaign among. our custorners to hclp them shorv their trarlc'thd a,ltant&", or',tl;"g- iderrtihecr lurrrlier. .i,\s a part ot thrs rvork $.e compilerl a bo,rklet on graclc_ marking earl;- in l9J9 as a help t" ,f.^f . tt.'"_ ia"i ;;;"';;' ; -;han I 3,000- copi es ., ?il i:til1:? ;::: 9r.:lergd by retailers *'ith their ""'ir.rl., -overp.nteci for clis- tribttion anlong. bul.ers o{ lumlrer.
'We hat-e now workecl out soure rnore elaborate printecl "ammunitiou" to assist the clealers in advertisitrg tlr"',ri"rrit; of gracle and tracle-n.rarked tun,b". iJ their tracle. This
You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're gettiig.
ri.,i1l.soo. be rearll. for <listribution. All of this *,ork ties in tl-re national "iree r'Iark" "ar'"rti.irg of the National Lumber Xlanufactrrrers Association. - '-
"()ne of the notaltle rcsults "t g.oa._-orking is that our iili,ff ;.?Tfi j'l:lJlx'"t".i.-ffi
;:111,i'],trrini'g oui .1ea.r1,-",;;t;.ii,;;ler has lree,, .,vonl
Asked r.vhat parts of tl.re State scernecl to favor gracle and tracle*tnarkccl lirmbe t 1, "r. * p.. i.,, ; ^. i.'"',1 #'i ;." J'i11,,fl :x;' t 3ii:. #; ?::: j"1 i i and the San Joaquin ancl Sacram."tn-"nl.y. are more sold o'. t'e idea than otl.rer. parts, "rr,i'-l,""remarkecl that an r'ject lesson rvas containea ;r trr"-i".i that a .lvhole boat- loacl of Redr,voocl left their,rriii"ut--Et;reka rccently for Sout'e''r california ports, pract;.,atty Jt oi'l"niirr-i." i."ii and trade-markecl. "f'he be'efits to be,gainccr '1' thc ma'ufactnrer, retairer a'd co'surner through" _th" .r.6 oi-i.r.nlin.a n.rerchandise Tl.l:f]t be catcutalerl at this Urr", ",,,r tn puttrng over this idea rvili rlepencl entirery on the amount :jfff:H:t forth by both ,""rr;i;.t;;;;, "na