3 minute read
Trend of Production Prompts Group Selling
llealizir-rg the econornical necessit-r- anrl practicalrilit_r' rif grollp clistrilrrrtion as u'cll as thc nrutrral licnellts to lrc deriverl tlrr,,ugll dircct r-cl)res('r'rtirti' 'll iy tlr, ('alifolni:L market. the 'Clear Iiir Lrrnrber Co.. the --l'rrc, '1y11 f{x1'1" 11' Lunrber Co., anrl the Gange Lurnlrcr Co.. h:rr c joincrl tire Defiar.rcc Lumber Co., in the clistrilrLrtion of their lLrnrlrrr in California ancl har-e appoit'rtecl '\. C. Penlre rthv a-q thcir exclrrsivc. salaric,l represerrtative.
All of these nrills are located in'l-aconra. \\'ashiugtrrn. anrl thcir cornl,irrt',1 rrrrxinrrrrrr crr,:rcil. i- rtl,1,r'' 'rirrrit, )_r it e '. lrcl clal rir.r a ,nr,-:lriit lrasis lLrrrl it is fLrll,r' e cluipperl r'.'jth tlrl kiln rLn,l plening nri1l iucilities arrrl hlrs aln'ar'. citt( rr'(l 1il it ci,,r,l,leic lirre ,,i e tLlii,,rnilL l,rr-irrt -- inclrrrling trtanui:Lctulril ul)l)e rs. -l-lrt.ir rrprrt:rti, 'n iur rlrr:rlitr- anrl :i'i vicr is llrntlt' c-<tlrl.rli:lrcrl. l'1re t'lclLr l;ir I-urrrl,r1 (',r. jlL- a,l;Lil\.(,lrcrlti:t{ calracit_r' of 110 tlroLrsanrl ftt.t ,rr a ,,rrr'-.lrift l,r,-;-.- 1-hi. Pl;rni cuts clttirelv thc- largt'. ,,lil gr',,n tlr r-e llon' trr tr'Pe oi tinrber and is eclLrilrpcrl u'itlt lL llLr:re -\rrrr.rican g:Lrrg sau'rrnrl nrakes a specialtv i,f tnlrt.ttriactrrring lrigh gra<le .,rit te\trtrecl clears. lroth r crticlLl artrl .llr.lr grain. In arlrliti,rn it has a rnodern lratterv of rlrv kilrr lrnrl Pllrning nrill t,rlrripnrent and can furnisir \\'()r-kc(1 Lrl)l)rr: lLriri kiln rlriecl cicals to nlcct an\' fe Cl U 1 re lll e11 t:.
I he I acunra H:rrlror I-urrrlttr ('Lr. has :r cal)Acltv r)t at)lrroximatcl-r' 1f0 tht,Lr.ancl fet,t lrtr rlar'()n lr ('rie-:hift lr".i.. 'l'his is a nl()(1t:rll:Lrrrl rttrcicnt pllLnt that clttcr-c cxclrrsir-elr' t() gr-een cLrlting ltrrsinesr atrrl spccializc. l,articrrltLll.' .rir pl:Lnk, tinrlrrrs anrl rlirrrcnsion. 'l'hev art- crlLripprrl u'ith a large sizer trr handlr lrn_r' .rrrf:rcing:1,(('ill;;itit,ns lrut orr :tcc()tlnt of not hrtving an-r'rirv kil:r. thcir clrars lLre shiplrerl grrrn to Calif,,rnia.
A. C. I'tnbtrtht' R. F. llortin
trvo hundred million feet annuall1- bLrt rluring thc ncxt vcar this capacity rvill be regulateci tb nreet the -rlcrnancl. 'l-he diversifiecl manufacturing ntcthotls t.nrplolerl 1r-v these variorrs companies ar.rd througl-r co-or<lir.r:rteri scllirig eifort enables thern to hanclle alrnost an_r- rlruLntit_\- r,t. t\.pr (,f bttsiness. Each nrill *,ill retair.r its-.*l' i'tlii irlrr:rlitri a'cl identity but together $-ill nraintain anrl (rl)er.irrr. rh.ii o$ rr tolnage tr.hich insrtres pronrpt ancl efHcicnt srr.r-icc.
The I)efiauce Lrrnrlrcr Co.. lr:rs nraint:Lir-rr<l their trn'n sc11- ing organization in Clalifornia for tl-re lxLst three vear.. Dtrrir-rg tl'ris tirne thc,r' have rle velr.rperl r-tilrurl,lu trlr,lc c, ,ntacts rvhicl.r thel- r-ealize can orrlr lte rtrairrtair"rerl lrnrl prop- erlt' served through rlirect re prJ:clttati,n. 'l'hev ftel' that this can best lte done u'ith the hclp of othcr nierirriuctrrrer. becattse of olterating thcir r,n n lrlant on lr one-shift lrasis. Tht capacit,r. of this nrill is approxinr:rtclr 1fiO thousancl
'l-he (langt, Lrrnrl>er ( o. \r'as coniltlctcrl lrnrl ptrt intrr o1>rrrttion in ]irlrrrr:rrv of this vrar. It has:r caltacitr-of 75 thoLrsanrl iet't pcr "iqlrr-lr,,rri ,la-,. It is tht rrt's' Sri'crlish gang tr'pe of rnill anrl is eclLriPPcrl n'ith tri'o gangs u'hich sau'the entir-c log in L,ne .)i)cration. 'l'his is lL rrniclrre ancl inrliviiiual t.r'1re ,i olreratiLrr.r that is rtrrtrrl for its cconornr' Ittttl rtccLrracv t,f rrurr.ruiucturt,aurl tlteir lurnl,t.r i- l,ring receivcd u'ith grcat flrvt,r in the erp, )rt lnarkcts. 't'his'tnill is particLrlarl-r' arl:rptecl to the nr:urlliirctLlrc,,f specified lette'ths of l" rljntrr):ir r11 ;111iI s() far a tot:rl of trlrout three rnillion icct l-iavc lrccn.hilrpc,l int,, tlti- rn:rrkrt. I'he entire plant i: lnr:rtorizc(l entl Jlcctricall_r'tlrivcn anrl is unique in that neitht:r a hrc n,,r ii:l)itl'k "pp."r:tlt-\-place. .tll ihe rcfltse is lrLtt tltrough a hog;rrrrl grounrl into fLrrl and sold clse\\'hrr('. -fl1i5 lrPeratior-r is lrring ri'atchccl n'ith considcr:rlt1e iilterr.t lt\' rn:rrtV lllanuiirctrlrcri lilt(1 anr- lurnlterrnan r i.iting 'l';tc',ttte .lt,,trl,-l rr, 't i;ril t,, -t.t. tlti- I,l:rirt.
-\. C. "-\rt" [)enlri.rth-r'. u'ltrr u ill cngint.er this nru' group srlling organizati()n. ii ri'cli kno*'r.r in lLrurber circles throughout St.,utlicrn t'alifi,rnia u'here. over a period of cight vears in constant colttirct u'ith thc trade, lie has gained a strong clicntclc:Lnrl nranv irienrls.
Ilc rvill bc assistecl in his u't,rk lrv Ii. I:. \[artin. iornrerlr-
of Tacoma, rvho has had a number of Years' experience in the lumber business, having at one tirne operated a sarv mill of his own and through several years' connection \\rith he Pacific Lurnber Insoection Bttreau.
In decicling on this pirticttlar grotlp of nrills consi<lerable thought was given to the incliviclual typc of thc 'u ariotts operations as r'vell as to their reprttation ancl quality of llroduction and it is felt that as zr grottp they are particr-rlarl-r' well adapted to scrving the Califorrria tratlc in a r'lir-er-qifieti capacitl'.