3 minute read
National Association President Urges Greater Sales Efforts
The necessitl- of going out after ancl creating ncrv bnsiness instead of naiting for business to pick rlp \\.as stressed in the course of a fine ac1<1ress bv A. C. Dixon. oresident of the National I-rrnrl,t'r Xlltnrriaclrrrcrs .\ssnciaiiorr, at the mid-summer meeting of the <lirectors of the associatior.r helcl at Portland Arrgust 8 and 9. Tl-re rneeting took the form of a joint meetir-rg of National clirectors tvith members of the Wcst Coast Lrrmbermen's Association, \\restern Pine }tfanufacturers Association, California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association and the California lledrvood Association.
More aggressive selling methods both by manufacturers and retailers \\rere urgecl by X{r. Dixon, ancl great intcrest was shorvn in his accorlnt of actual results obtaincd by personal solicitation of the farrners in the territory r.r..ed by his corlrpan-\-'s retail 1'arcl.
Wilson Cor.npton. sccretary-rnanager of the National Association, discr.rssed among other sultjects thc problcnr of the importation of Russian lurnber, and scored 'uvhat he ca11ed the "political tinridity" of tl're fior-ernrnent in allorvi"- +1",. -h+rrr .,f ^^,'. i^r *^,1^ -^^,1^ rrrS trrq qlrLrJ/ (,1 !urlvr\t-llld(tq Suurt>.
W. 1.-. Shau', manager of the tracle extension department of the National, repoltecl on the activities of his department. He expressecl appreciatior-r of the cooperation on tracle extension matters betu'cen tl-re regional associatior.rs and the National, nrade possihle through the technical advisory committee, and strongll' r-rrgecl greater deveiopment of research rvork.
Resolutions of s1'rnpathy \vere arlopted and orclered sent to thc family ancl bnsiness associates of tire late George S. Long.
Ni. B. Nelson, presiclent of tl-re Long-Be1l I-.umber Co.,
W. E. Cooper, Los Angeles rcprescntir"tive of the Union Lumber Co., is back on his tcrritori. again follouing a pleasant vacation spent at Cataiina lvhcre he enjor.ecl himsclf plavirrg golf ancl participating in scveral of the rvater sports events that r,vere being held at this far-orite sulllmer resort. As a result o[ l'ris prou'css in tl.re 1\'rter, he broLrght lrack s,'rrrc ralrralrlc trol)llics for rvinning lrrizes irr tlrc surimming events.
chairrlan of the home finance ccirnmittee. read the reoort of this committee, n'hich recomnrended the formation bf a departrnent of horne finar.rce under the secretary-manager, Ileports of conclitions in the variorrs territories rvere given b1- the foilorving' represcntatives of regional associatictns: J. D. Tennant, \\'cst Coast Lnr"nlterrnen's Association ; Il. F. Hammatt, Caliiorni:r Iledu'oocl Association; E. A. F'rost, Southt:rn Pine Association; \i. \\r. Stark, Southern Harcln'ood production ; S. 1-. Coy, Nortl-rern Pine X'Ianufacturers' Associatior-r; G. L. IIrrmc, North Carolina Pine Association; W. \,L Lcrrtholtl, \\:esterr.r Pine Nlanufacturers' Association; B. W. J-akin, California \Vhite ct Srrgar Pine \Ianufacturers' Association; C. Ii. \{cPherson, Southern Cy1;ress Nfanufacturers' '\ssociation, anrl \\r. S. Bennet, Northern Hen.rlock ct l{arrlu'ood Nlarrrrfactlrrers' Association.
Actior.r taken bv the Natiorral clirectors at the Saturday meeting inclrrderl the acloption of a plan sLrggested by Secretary Cotli-tt,,rn for the ot'rlerly control of procluction ancl distribution of llrrnlrer ; instruction of I'Ir. Conrpton to secure evidence of Russian lrrmlrer n.racle bv convict labor; advocatior-r of strict en{orccment of thc inti-clurnping larv rvitl-r regar,l to all importations of lunrbcr, ancl enclorsement of the rcport of the advisc-,11' cr-,nrnrittce on advertising and trarlc erterrsion u'ork.
'l-he report of I'larry T. Kcnclall, of Kansas Citl', on the subject of retail cooperation u'as rezLrl in N'Ir. Kenclall's abscnce by M. \,\r. Stark, of ColLrmbus, Ohio.
Jol-rn \\r. Watzek, Jr., Chicago, reportecl on thc healthy conclition of the inter-it-tstrrancc cxchangc, 1r.o\\r in its third ycar of opcration, u'hich has $26.000,000 of insurance in forc e.
Le Rov H. Stauton, prcsiclent oi E. J. Stanton & Son, Los ,\ngeles, has rcturnecl from a three-months' tour of Europe. N[rs. Stanton accompaniecl hir.n on tl're trip.
Charles P. llenrr', Phoenix, Arizona, representative for the Chas. R. McCorrnick l-runber Co.. \\'as a recent Los -'\ngcles visitor: l.herc he spcnt a fen. clays at the contpanr''s office on business. IIrs. Henry accompaniccl hinr on the trip.
Walker & Eisen, architects, used moulded casing-trim for the corridor door openings of the Beverly - Wilshire ApartmentHotel at Los Angeles. The typical unit here illustrated is of Philippine, stained dark red.
Fluted pilaster casings and ornan'rental cap-trim form a deiightful frarne for this interior dooruay in a private residence at Santa lvlonica. Jambs, trim and door are Sugar Pine, enameled finish. \\"illiam E. Flannery, arclrjtect: Julia NIorgan. associ-