1 minute read
The Younger They Got the More They Knew
Much is being said and written about the youth of today' and their unusual progressiveness' modernism' sophistication. etc.
A story is going the rounds illustrating their up-to-dateness along liquor lines that has quite a kick in it'
Three little boys, aged ten, twelve, and fourteen' found a bottle.
The fourteen year old boy pulled the cork' smelled the
Cook Returns From Vacation
NIax Il. Cook, California Ilcrln'ood Association' retttrned to ir^il',r..r.-,rugrrt 25 from trvo \\.eeks' r.acation spent.rvith i,f.t. Cr"r. ani theii son \'[ickev ir.r Feathcr River Park' Plumas CountY.
contents, tasted it, and remarked casually..WHISKEY.'' less
The twelve year old boy reached out and took the bottle' tasted the contents, and remarked"scorcH."
The ten year old took the bottle, tasted the contents' and with a look of great disappointment said"cIJT."
R. C. REYNOLDS SELLS OUT li. C. Iievnolrls, Iohnsott I-urnbcr & iot'nia. has s,'lrl hi. son. -l-he c,ltttpattv runtil rtcentlv an,,ificer of the F"\' ^\lill Cn.r,.r1,,tn.'. ,,f 1',aldu'in Park' Caliiutrrest in that c()ilccl'11 tti ]lr' Jerhnrvill Irt L)l)t:i-;Itt(l Lttt'lt'r tilt' :ltlllc llilllle'
Band Saws for Satisfactory Service
Better service, longer saw life and Smoother cutting are assured results from the use of SIMONDS BAND SAWS (Narrow or Wide). The new wear-resisting' edge-holding SIMONDS STEEL makes it possible for the operator to get much better results' Specify SIMONDS for better band saw service'