5 minute read

REDWOODlor Charm andfor

A. L. Porter Joins Sales Force of pacitic Mutuat Life Ins. Co. DUfAbility

A. L. Porter, for many years secretary of the Wcstern Retail Lumbermen's Association, at Spokane, Wash., and one of the best known figures in the lrrmber industry of the West, announces his conncction rvith the sales department of the Pacific Mutuai Life Insurance Cornpany, of Los Angeles rvorking in Southern California territorv. His address is 322 Pacific Mutual Building, Los Angeles. FIis business rvill be the selling of life insttrance.

Representing Union Lumber Co. at San Diego

C. M. Adams is norv representing the Urrion T-un.rber Co. in the San Diego district rvhere he is calling on the retail lumber trade. Mr. Adams has bcen connected rvith the company for a number of years ancl was formerl-r. located at the company's mill operations at Fort Bragg. He rvill make his headquarters at San Diego.

C. A. Biggs

C. A. Biges, pioneer lun'rberrnan of Coloraclo, passe<1 away at his home in Canl.on City, Colcrraclo, on r\rrgust 16, 1930. Mr. Biggs r,vas president of the Inrlepenclent Lrrmber Company with general offices at Gr:rnd Junction, Coloraclo, operating line yarcls on tl-re rvcst slope of Colorado. He also had retail lumber interests ir.r Southern California. He rvas president of the Rocky Nlountain llctail l,urnbennen's Association for many years. He is survivecl by l.ris rviclou' and four chilclren ; Arthur H. 13iggs of Canyon C.ity. Colorado; Clyde H. 13iggs of Grancl Junction, Colorarlo, Janres D. Biggs, Danbury, Conn.. ar.rd \'[rs. W. C. Kurtz. Grand Junction. Coloraclo.

FOR THE EXTERIOR-Redwood's greatest, single use is for siding (bevel, bungalow, drop, Colonial, etc., including channel and "V" rustic) ship lap and'(tongue and groove" in various widths and pat' tetns, and for all exterior trim. With or without paint or stain, it remains throughout the years unaffected by ex' tremes of weather.

FOR THE INTERIOR-ViIh shadings that range from light cherry to deeP mahoganY, Redwood adds color to the interior, whethet for the ceiling, wainscoting, panel, molding, brackets, shelves, stair' wotk. balustmde or mantel. Redwood assures beauty and durability-1to-tu of enduring charm, with exceedingly high resale value.

Harnntond''s Santoa rnill rnanufactures Reduood' Jront' the select tintber ston'ds oJ Humboldt Cou'nty. There islquality in eaery.foot.

Member California Redwood Association

Main Office So. California Division 110 Sansome St. O 2010 So. Alameda St' San Francisco Los Angeles

Mitls: Samoa, Calif.; Mill City, Ore.; Garibaldi, Ore.


Man has ever hastened to cover barren coldness, first with skins, next with hangings, and then with wood,- the intimate, sympathetic material that has been man's friend since the beginning of time, used in the peasant's humble one-room cot, ceiled in wood and decorated with quaint carvings-yet deemed noble enough to house his God, for Solomon, although stone and clay lay at his feet, searched the almost treeless area of the Promised Land that he might have wood for the Temple.

A Plan Book

A plan book on your office shelf, Will add no kopecs to your pelf, Nor will it much increase your biz, If you just let it stay as isAnd not as DOES.

But take it down and show your trade, Exactly how good homes are made, FIow rooms are planned and windows set, IIow doors are hung, and we will bet Your Biz will BUZZ.


"Where will I find the manager?"

"Follow the passage to the sign reading: .No admittance.' Go upstairs 'til you see the sign: 'Keep out.' Follow the corridor until you come to the sign: 'Silence.' Then yell for him."

In 1890

The world's greatest automobile maker was working in a bicycle shop.

One of the richest hotel men was a bell hop.

A steel king was stoking a furnace.

An internationally famous banker was firing a locomotive.

A great railroad president was pounding a telegraph key.

In 1950-what

will YOU be doing?

For the rules of success are the same now as they have always been, and they start with hard, conscientious work,

Mark Twain On Friendship

"The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money."

One On Dad

A young man just arriving home from college, wearing a loud vest and a tie that spoke for itself, met his father at the door. A look of disgust crossed the elder's face, as he viewed the clothing of his junior.

"Son, you look like a jackass,' he said.

Just then a near neighbor entered, and beheld the youth.

"Boy,'' he said, I remember the first time your father came home from college, and you look just as he did."

"So father was just telling me," replied the youth.

Where Genius Is Found

There is nowhere in the land any home so remote, so humble, that it may ndt contain the power of mind and heart and conscience to which nations yield and history submits its processes. Nature pays no tribute to aristocracy, subscribes to no creed of caste, renders fealty to no monarch or master of any name or kind. Genius is no snob. It dbes nct run after titles or seek by preference the high circlps of society. It affects humble company as well as great'. It pays no special tributes to universities or iearned societies or conventional standards of greatness, but serenely chooses its own comrades, its own haunt, its own cradle, and its own life of adventure and training.

-Woodrow Wilson.

The Reason

Foreman: "How is it that altho you and Rastus started digging at the same time, has a bigger pile of dirt than you ?"

Sambo: "Why, boss, he's a bigger hole."

Oregon Manufacturer Opens New Tract of Old Growth Yellow Fir Timber

Opening rvhat is consicle recl one of the fiut st lcrnaining bodies of old grot.th Ycllorv Fir tirlbcr lcft in the State of Oregon by the West Oregon T-unrberr Cornparrv of I-iunton, Ore., is announcerl by E. D. iiingslcl', presirlent of this conrpany.

This timber is locatccl on the Tillanrool< lrranch oi the Southern Pacific, on the rvestern slolte of the Coast liange at an altitucle of 2500 feet, ancl the logs are harrlerl lr-r- the railroad to Osrvego, South Portland, u'hcrc tl-re v are dumped into the Willamettc Rir-er ar.rcl ton'ccl to the miil.

"The best I har-e ever seen in rn1' 25 -r'ears' exirericnce", was the colnment of tl-re West Oregon coml)any's sarvt-er in ansrver to a qucstion as to the clualitl'of tl-re log-.. "'l'his timber is ren-rar-kablv free from pitcl'r, fine curnl-linatiorr logs with sound hearts, developing a {ine gracle of collrlnon as well as soft deep clears, in fact just ideal raw n.raterial for the production of West Oregon Super Finisl-r."

Robert Forgie Heads New Lumber Wholesale Corp.

Robert Forgie, of Los Angeles, heads tl-re nen,i1. created and incorporated California I'aciiic I-umirer Companv, Ltd., of Los Angeles.

He is President and Nlanager. \\'. J. Nichols, oi Los Angeles, is Secretarl' and Treasurer, and tr. R. Cobb, of Los Angeles, is a director, the three being the ou-ners o{ the corporation. Mr. Iiorgie's trvo associ:rtes are Los Angeles business rre11 ancl not acti''-ely engaged in the lurr-rlrer business.

The office of the new con)oration is in tlie Citizens National Bank ISuilding, Losr\ ngelcs. l{r. Forgie states that the ltusiness of the corlroration u'i11 lte thc l'holesale buying and selling of softrvoocl lunrbe r frorn tLre Northn'cst, and he has just returtred from a month's r.isit in thc rnilling districts of the Northu,est. rvhere l're has been rnakir.rg contacts helpiul to the ner'v business. IIr. liorgie h:rs lreen in the r,vholesale lun.rber 1>usiness in Los Angeles territorr, for many )'ears, and is rvcll and favoral>ly knon'r.r to the: lumber trade.

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