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Vancouver Lumber Exports to the llnited States
Total declared lumber e.rports for the month of July. 1930, from the Vancouver consular cli,ctrict to the Uniterl States b_v* rail anci lvater were 28,310,000 lroarcl {eet as comparecl \\'ith 37.815,000 board fcct for J:rly 1929, statcs a report frorr Siclnel A. P'elovskr', American Vice Consul. Vancouver, to tl-re Lurrrbcr Division of the I)epartnrelrt of Commerce.
Total exports to the United States for the lirst scr-en nronths of 1930 u,ere 25.[,375,000 board fect as courparecl with 257.396,000 ltoarrl feet for the corrcsponding pcriod last year. l'rincipal r-\1)orts n'erc Dorrglas fir anrorrnting to 155,981,00O boar<l feet or:rn increase of aborrt 9 per cent o\.er 1929; Herrrlock 68,192.000 lroar<l feet or a c1ecrease of about 6 pe r cent ; arrd Cedar 25,686.000 boarcl feet or a decrease of about 26 oer cent.
Declarerl exports of shingles to the Unitecl States for Jull' 1930 u'ere 104,602,000 as comparcd u'ith 1-18.337,000 during Jttly 1929.
Accorrling to a caltlegr:ul from Il. G. Bablritt. Traclt: Commissioner at !'ancouvcr to the Lrrrr-rber Divisior-r of the Department of Corlmercc. -[ulv n'aterborne lrrnrber sl-ripments from Vancouver tci Atlantic lorts of the United States rvere 2.355,731 hoartl feet as c,,urpare<l \vith 917,8.i2 board feet for July 1929. Waterltornc shipmer-rts to Canadian Atlantic ports frorn \tancorl\'er \\:ere 422,130 l>o:rrrl feet as comparecl r,vith 6.371.032 ltoar<l feet for -fulr- 1929.
East Bay Hoo Hoo Holds\ Successful Dinner Dance
East lla-r' Hoo Hoo Club helti a rnost enjo-r'able ;rn<l r,r'ell attenclecl informai clinner dar.rce ancl musicale in tl.rc Hoo Hoo Roon'r of the Athens Athletic Club. ()aklanrl, on Friclay evenir.rg. August 15.
President Bert l3r1'an presidecl at the rlinner, lvhich rvas servecl at 7 :@ p. rn., ancl Rocl Hcnclrickson u'as in charge of the entcrtainment l)rogral-n.
Nf rs. Walter Alvarez u'as the winner in the Balloon clance contest.
Dar.rcing l'as enjoved until a late hour, ar,d hope was expressecl by many of the members that this bc macle an annnal affair.
Phil T. Hoel with Upson Company
Phil T. Hoel. n'ell-knorl-n Sonthern California lrrruberman, is no\\' representing the Upsrin Comllanv of LockPort, N. Y.. in Southern California anrl Arizona. JIc succecrls 11.
C. N{clntosh u,ho has been appointecl Western sales nriLnager u'ith hearlquartc'r-s in Chicago. X,Ir. Hocl u'as formerlrconnecte<l rvith the I-a Jlrea Xlaterials Co. and the Florvarclllartz Lumber Co. of I-os Angeles. The Llpson Corrpany are rnanufactnrers of the Uirson Center lloarcl ti-rc Upson L3h-re Strip Insulation.
Roy Bleecker Visits Northwest
G. Ii. Bleecker, Iiagie I-urnber Clo., San Francisco. returnerl Augu-st 1-l from an arttomobile tr-ip to l)ortlancl. FIe was accompaniecl lir. Ralph Ir. Duncau. gencr:rl nranagcr of the Merced Lumber Co., Mercecl.
Our Big Veneer Mills enables us to give
Specialized Service in Veneers in all the following woods:
MAPLE (Birdseye)
WALNUT (circasslan)
POPLAR pINE (Sugar-White