3 minute read
Succeeding lTith Success tr "Speed Gefs
We deliver by truck to all parts of Southern C,alifornia.
Your sash, doors, screen doors, glass, ironing boards, medicine cabinets, mirrors, etc., delivercd to your yard at a small minimum charge, equal to freight charges.
(Continued from Page 26.)
ders for cars of shingles, SECONDARILY, to educate the dealer about shingles, and show them how they can interest their trade in better and'more-beautiful roofs.
Shingles have never been SOLD.
They have simply been DISTRIBUTED.
Some intelligent and forceful SELLING is what shingles need.
And from the things that I have been hearing and seeing right recently I would hazard the opinion that they are GOING TO GET IT.
'Portland, C)re.-There is one new wholesale concern in Portland that is making splendid progress in the building of a powerful lumber, shingle, and lumber specialty business, simply by reason of the fine service and personal attention they give their business, and that is the H. f. Anderson Lumber Company, which just started business last January. "Andy," as Herbert Anderson is familiarly called here, has been in Portland for eighteen years, and the first of the present year he severed,his connection with another wholesale lurnber concern to try the game for h,imself. He is succeeding splendidly.
Getting away from ordinary lines of wholesale procedure, this concern is building up a splendid specialty business, in addition to furnishing staple lines. They are selling Fir and Hem,lock lumber 'of every description, shed stock, yard stock, railroad and factory material, and they dilate on the fact that they ship only from big and dependable mills, and sell nothing but quality lurnber, evading ths ordinary "peckerwdod" mill troubles. In addition they are doing a big ,!u5h.rs in mouldings, built-up columns, garage doors, window frames, door frames, Port Orford Cedar, and other various lines of lumber products that the retailer may profit by carrying. from Minneapolis time traveled the he is not entirely to this territory State of Kansas new to the mid- is bright, light, and' attractive, while the den where they take 'em to sell 'etn is one of the most attractive lumber offices in California.
They also sell Red Cedar Shingles, handling the product of The White River Lum,ber Company ,of Enumclaw, the quality of whose product they 'consider to be second to none on the Coast.
Their offices are located in the Northwestern Bank Building in Portland, Oregon, and they offer to the retail trade prompt and dependable service in the lines of stock named above, and also take much pleasure in furnishihg the dealer with any desired information concerning their products.
Mr. Anderson came years ago, and at one selling lumber, so that dle western trade.
(Continued from Page 43.)
That's all we're going to have to say about Charlie Bird thrs time. He is undoubtedly one of the on-the-jobbest lumber merchants between the two very popular oceans that sweep our shores, and a go-getter in three languages. (That reminds me of something I forgot. He often prints his direct by mail literature in foreign languages when it goes to farmers who are of foreign extraction, and he finds that reading the stuf in their own lingo is a good selling appeal.)
A{tds dlstinctlon rnd lndlvldusllty to tho tEbstprl ru@, st 8 ffit but sl&tlt ltthcr thau dedud ltrlD f@rbg.
A@urato quutlty Dmductlon rt thc Bro€ mllls h88 Brdo lt posslblo lor DcoDlo ol moderato mesnr to enjoy th€ bsauty md rlchns ol Bruce Deslm trl@rlug ln a v&rlety ol psttoms, 'glylnS tmDlo mIE to tndlYldud t88te.
Sls! ol squees, number rod longthE of the Dl€co8. < wldthc ot strlps'
Thls adYertl*meot aDtpars ln th€ Octob€r lssue ol "Ilouso B€autlful" ln full page a9oce.
I'l@rlag. " May we eend you a @py ol thts book?
E. L. Brucc Co. Manufacturcrr

Mcmphir Tcnnccra
ShlDD.d ln mn wlth |tind. rd t{ll! llosln!, rnd oth.r Bru6 Droductr, s ttralllrt Gf.lOta.
Clcar Meple Flooring
THE SLOAN LUMBER CO. went a long way for this tough-fibered, tight-grained,'and carefully-manufactuied Flooring. Nothing like it for a place like this, where service and beiruty are both so essential. Send your inquiries ,for, BEECHT BIRCH and OAK Flooring also tei the mhhufact{rrer9., t{tcH(}ts
GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 'Tf,c Hornc of glitlcd Woodvorlorr'