1 minute read
"Send Your Son Down"
I think the most successful darkey story I got hold o,fl durtng the entire big war-and there were thousands of them emanating from the big conflict-was that of the nigger preacher and a companion who were in the AmericFn army at tlre f,ront, when the Germans started a majon bombardment.
The shells o'f great size dropped everywhere, and a perfect inferno broke loose, with death and destruction riding whistling on every wind. The colored preacher stbod the horror of it as longy as he could, and finally when he could stand. iit ,no longer he grabbed the o,ther nigger, droprpedr
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down on his knees, pulling the other one down aliongsido of hinr,, raised his hands on high and began:
"Oh, Lawd! Send your son down to hep us befo we all get killed ! Oh, Lawd ! Send your son down to save us befo we all gits blowed up ! Oh, Lawd, Send your sort down to hep us befo-"
The other nigger could stand it no longer, and cut in at the top of his voice:
"Dontche db it Lawd! Dontche do it! Dontche send your son down ! Come on down yourselfo Lawd ! Dis ain't no BOY'S JOB !"
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