3 minute read
A Help To Buyers
A pocket directory of Tacoma's Forest Products industries has just been issued by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club of Tacoma, Washington, for the convenience of those who wish to transact business with the firm.s and individuals engaged in those industries which have made Tacoma "The Lumlber Capital of America."
These firms and ,m,anufacturers are listed alphabetically under their proper classifications, the address, name of sales manager and telephone number being given and the productg handled being enumerated. Where a number of
R. 0. lYilmn Lumhr Company
Tl/holcnlc Lumbcr Productr
Fifc Building San Frencirco
Tclcphouc Kceray lll
Fir Spruce Redwood Port Orford Cedar , Red Cedar Shingler
In fact. that'c the only kind of Redwood we aell-cxtra fine.
lVe have ae fine Redwood timber as the Lord ever planted in California, and we manufacture it for you juet ag we would like it made for ur if we were the buyers.
com,modities are manufactured, the specialties are also listed separately.
The importance and magnitude of Tacoma's lumbering industry is indicated by the nurnber of firms appearing in the directory. Under the classification "City Mills" there are N firms listed; 17 District lvlills; 13 manufacturers, of doors; 19 wood working plants; 3 loggers; 11 retailers; 7 wholesalers; 1 exporter. IJnder a classification, "Miscellaneous," there are also listed a number of firms closelv allied with the lumbering interests.
A com,bination map of the entire Tacoma district and of the city itself shows the, exact location of each plant listed so that buyers of forest products who visit "T'he Lumber Capital of America" can see at a glance just where' to find any of these mills or factories and s,o that persons unfamiliar with the Tacoma district can understand the relation of the various plants to the lines of traitsportation.
Wholemle Lumber
1043 W. Harding Way
Exclusive Representative in California.
Siberton, Oregon
Redwood Durability
The Governmail's fqures as to the ilwability, or lastkg qualiliq of wood (White OalT beitg talTen a 100/o) are as lollous:
Redwood-l25 to t757o.
DouglaE Fire-75 to tOOVo.
Western Larch-75 to 85Vo.
Western Hemlock-35 to *SVo.
'lf it is necessary for you to furnish your tradc with a cheaper eiding, why not do eo with our Redwood Garage Siding or Eitra Merchantable Siding, either in lx4 to 5/sx6. You will then be protecting and increasing your good-will by selling something that will give ' permanent satiefaction.
Commendations From British Columbia Shingle Man
What could be nicer than the following letter, from Mr. R. L. Andres, manager of th'e Chicago office of the Vancouver Lumber Company, Ltd.
"Mr. Jack Dionne
Dear Sir:
I cannot refrain from writing a word, to compliment you on the splend'id article which appears in your September 1st issue of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, under the caption: "Its a Funny Thing About Shingles." I regard this as being the best article on the subject, that has ever come to my notice.

Not only have you pointed out the source of the trouble but, also in masterly way, you have supplied a logical and, what I believe can be the only effective remedY'
Yours trulv.
By R. L. Andres."
The Lumber,mens' Golf Association of St. Louis will hold their seventh annual golf tournam,ent on Septem,ber 28, at the Midland Valley Country Club, St. Louis.
This will be 36 holes, medal play, competition, and many handsome prizes will be awarded.
All golfers associated in any ef the lum'ber or woodworking industries in all parts of the 'country are eligible and invited to participate. Those desiring to enter should write for further particulars to Lumbermens' Gol'f Association, 1838 Arcade Building, St. Louis, Mo.
Great Cargo Of Philippine Mahogany Comes To Los Angeles
Probably the biggest single shipment of Philippine Mahogany that ever entered the harbor of Los Angeles, was brought in the other day by the Steanr,er Dlymont. It brought a million and a quarter feet of Mahogany, which was consigned to Cadwallader-Gibson, and unloaded at San Pedro. The Dlymont is a ship that has been plying in the inter-island trade in the Philippines but will remain in service on this side, it is reported.
Announcement has been m'ade that the California Door Company will rebuild their saw-mill at Caldor, California, on a much larger scale. The mill will replace the plant that was destroyed by fire during the month of August.