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More About Hoo Hoo
The Bay District Hoo-Hoo has sent out attractive posters announcing the Concat that will be held on Saturday evening, September 15, at the Plantati.on Inn, Palais Royal Cafe, San Francisco. The occasion is to bid a hearty farewell to Retiring Vicegerent Snark Henry F. Faull and to welcome the New Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District to his new seat of activities. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P. M. and an excellent program will be staged. Among the special attractions will be the "l2th W,onder of the World-Sheehan and Gallagher-The Go Gettem Kids" and "Pee Wee" Peggs, "Wild Bill" Woods, and "Silent" Bryan, featuring their big song hit, "Good Night." There will also be a "Girlie Sh,ow" by a local professional troupe of entertainers. The entertainment is in charge of Ed. Chamberlin. Frank O'Connor, and Walter Madill, the livest HocrHoo entertainment committee in captivity, and who are planning to make this concat the gala event of the year. A large class of Kittens will be initiated and a big attendance is anticipated. Hoo-Hoo memtbers from all sections of the state will be present, a,nd Vivegerent Snark Faull announces that all visiting Hoo-Hoo are especiallv invited to attend.
Glasby And Company Official Makes Large Donation
Mr. Aubrey Wardm,an, resident of Whittier, Cal., millionare oil man and part owner of Glasby and Company, of this city, has handed his check for $100,O00.00 to Dr. W. F. Dexter, the new president of the Whittier College, for endowment purposes.
Mr. Wardman has been a resident of Whittier for twenty years. He developed and installed the Whittier Home Tel. & Tel. Co., ,of which he is the present owner. He was one of the first ,men to see the possihilities of the Santa Fe Springs oil fi,elds and when oil was found he was a heavy investor and is now the owner of many producing wells in that territory and the La Habra district. He is interested in many enterprises and at all times is "on the job."
He has always be,en keenly active in civic affairs and plans for business and educational betterment. In speaking of his gift, Mr. Wardman said, "Whittier College is a distinct benefit to the entire community as well as to the young men and women attending the school. Gifts to the college now mean much and I cannot help but feel that there is a duty imposed on Whittier peoplo'and residents of this vicinity to help maintain so valuable an asset to our community."
"No college receives sufficient support from it's studentbody and an end'owment fund is necessary."
which is immune to rot and weatherJefinitely guaranteed to keep your customer's roof weather'tight for years.
Weaver Roof Company
Syloeeter L. Weaoer
Telephone Bdwy. ?84 - Loe Angclcr
It might be added that Mr. Wardman is a m.ember of the board of trustees of the college. He is a self made man, having accumulated his fortune in the last twenty years and unlike many capitalists, he has made many friends while so doing.
F. L. Brothers Lagoon formerly
NEW YARD AT WILMINGTON and I. J. Rossman have formed the Rossman Lumber Company, and have opened a yard on Avenue. Wilmington. These gentelmen hailed frorn, the state of Wisconsin.
The new mill of the Grays Harbor Shingle Co., of Aberdeen, Washington, started operations on September 6, and with the installation of new saw-mill equipment, they are now well equipped to manufacture all kinds of cedar products. The Grays Flarbor Shingle Co. are one of the largest manufacturers of red cedar shingles in the Northwest, and six shingle machines were running the first day that operations at the new mill were resum,ed. Within a short time, the entire ten shingle machines in their shingle departmnt wjll be running to full capa,city. In addition to the manufacturing of shingles, they will now prodr4e cedar siding for the domestic markets and also clear cedar flitches for export. E. C. Miller, owner and manageloI the Grays Harbor Shingle Co., is an ex-president of the West Coast Shingle Association and is one of the outstanding figures in lumber circles through,out the country.
Woodson Calls On Northwest Trade
L. J. Woodso,n, of San Francisco, Pacific Coast representative of the Hardwood Produ,cts Corp. of Neenah, Wisconsin, has r,eturned from two weeks business trip to Portland, S,eattle, Tacoma, and other Northwest points. Mr. Woodson states that their is much activity in building operations in the Northwest and that the demand for hardwood products in that section is very good.
Bert Dimmick Motors To Portland
Bert Dimmick, ma,nager of the San Francisco offic'e of the Cutler-Dimmick Lumber Co., is 'on a short business trip to their P,ortland Office, where he will take up some business matters with Fred Cutler, who is manager of their Portland office. Bert made the trip north by automobile and expects to spend about ten days in the Northwest.
Pasadena Yard Planning Improvements
Mr. C. Temple Murphy, proprietor of the retail yard in Pasadena, under his own name, announces that he will add several new siheds and other improvements to the yard, during the fall. Mr. Murphy has added several side lines to the business, and reports a most satisfactory progress in his community.
New Yard For Oakland
The Jack-Thompson Lumber Company has purchased a site on Glassock Street. in Oakland. and will install a large plant and yard. Mr. R. E. Jack, and Mr. C. G. Thompson are the owners of this new co'mrp?nj.

Mr. D. B. Minor has resigned the .position as manager of the Mcleod Lumber Company, of Portland.
New Oregon Mill About Ready To Begin Operations
The Jamestown-Oregon Lumber Company, a new organization which took over the property of the Alsea River Lumber Company, near Monroe, Oregon, is albout to start operations.
Mr. Henry Fischer is the manager of the new company.
Mr. N. H. Parsons. a former retail operator in lllinois has just returned to Pasadena to make his ho'me in this state.
Mr. Parsons made the trip East to dispose of his interests in Illinois, selling a yard that he had been operating there for some time.